Chapter 27 - Official

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"M-me?" I stuttered.

"Yes." he smiled wider.

"But I thought you had one already."

"Ms. Reynolds isn't on our payroll anymore. Zayn wasn't happy with her work, neither were we so her contract was terminated." Lisa smiled handing Zayn an envelope.


"Sorry if this is a bit sudden but we would need you start working as soon as possible." Zayn continued.

"How soon?"

"Next week." he answers sliding the envelope towards me.

"That's a copy of the contract. You can read it over if you'd like, I assure you Zayn is a pleasure to work with but I'm sure you'd like some time to think it over." Lisa said.

"Of course.. I mean I didn't expect this but Zayn why me?"

He laughs. "You're not so up tight like other people they've hired for me, everyone is way too professional and I love the fact you're laid back but get the job done."

"Uhh thanks." I blush.

"So please consider this?" He bats his eyelashes "And let Lisa know soon?"

"I will.. just give me a day. Harry he-"


"He what?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"He's in town as well." Lisa answers. "On business, he tried getting Rian as his assistant as well but his current one is excellent."

What? He's here's already too!

"Well Zayn will be quite lucky to have Rian on your team then." Mrs. Jones smiled.

"Yes. If she agrees."

"Which I hope you do." Zayn stands.

"I'll have an answer tomorrow. We can meet here around the same time?" I speak up.

"Perfect." Lisa says picking up her things. "Tomorrow then."

All of us stand, shake hands and I take the time to go around the table to hug Zayn.

"It was good to see you again." I say.

"Ditto. Please consider this.. I promise it'll be worth your while." He winks.

Soon he and Lisa were out the room and as the door closes shut I jump a bit hearing a slam on the table.

"What was that?!" Mrs. Jones yells.


"One of the richest men on the planet wants you to work for him but you have to think about it?"

"I don't want to make an impulsive decision. I must read over this contract to see if it's worth it."

"Well I hope you you make the right decision.. to think Harry Styles wanted you also.."

"Trust me I'm as shocked as you are." I whisper.

"Well I'm not surprised, you're a hard worker but don't be dumb about this decision."

"I know."

"Please read over that and I'll see you tomorrow Gonzales."

"Alright." I wave goodbye.


As much as I wanted to read the contract I was quickly reminded of Lisa mentioning Harry already being in town so I dialed his phone. It rang once before he answered.

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