Chapter 12 - Action!

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I wasn't too far from Reagan's trailer when I heard someone calling my name. Turning around I recognized the girly voice was Louise's.


"I'm all ready to work my magic." she smiled.

"Awesome, she'll be right in here." I lead her towards the trailer.

Opening the the door I let her step inside first. Walking in behind her I let her go ahead and work on Reagan as I take a seat next to Logan.

"You have like one minute." he jokes.

He knows how stressed I get on the first day of shooting. Logan then opens his arms and gives me a kiss on the cheek for encouragement.

"We need everyone one set." I hear in my ear piece.

"Time to go." I stand.

Louise who was nearly done looks at me with a mischievous smile.

"I didn't know you had a man."

"Oh.. right.." I shake my head "This is Logan my boyfriend. Louise is the One Directions boys hairdresser and all that fun stuff." I introduce them.

Logan stands and shakes Louise's hand quickly.

"He's cute" she whispers.

But not quiet enough! I glance at Logan and he was smirking. I swear I could feel myself turning red.

"Well c'mon now, let's go Reagan." I clap. "Umm Logan you don't have to stay for the filming."

"But I want to" he frowns "I won't bother you."


"Oh Rian, let the boy stay he's no bother." Reagan says standing from the chair "And the more time you get to spend together before we leave."

"Y-you're right." I try to smile.

"I'll see you girls on set. Unless you need help?" Louise asks.

"No I'm fine thanks Louise."

"Please call me Lou." She smiles. "I gotta run to touch up the boys again."

Zipping up her jacket she runs out of the trailer to the set.

We weren't exactly on the beach. All of the trailers remained on the sidewalks and roads on Venice. Luckily people were use to this, so I hoped there wouldn't be too many of them trying to see who was filming.

Picking up Reagan's dress I help her step into some sandals; damn this dress was heavy. Logan steps ahead an opens the door for is bit before we step out I grab a black jacket for Reagan to wear over her shoulders.

Luckily the golf cart we were provided had the keys always in the ignition, so within seconds I drove the cart towards the set. Reagan of course on her phone the whole ride there seemed to frown when all of the crew was helping her off and on to the scene.

"What scene is being shot?" I ask into my microphone.

"We got Louis walking down the beach, Reagan standing at the distance."

"Awesome. And the rest of the boys?"

"On standby."

Looking around I notice that the beach was closed off but only to an extents. there was maybe forty feet between us and a crowd of onlookers. The sun was about ready to set so we really ha no time to loose, I hope the director has his time line of shooting perfect.

"Babe." I hear Logan call.


"Umm sorry I can't stay, I have to see something with my manager."

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