A strange yet familiar world

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'Where am I?'

'Why is there something over there?'

A silvery light could be seen in the distance of a pitch-black room.

"Hello, are you friendly?" Irene spoke in a polite manner.

"Well greetings my dear successor, you may know me from that dream you have been having for a long time," the silvery light replied calmly.

"Wait are you, not can't be, but how are you here communicating to me in this dream?" Irene asked with confusion laced in her voice.

"You'll eventually find out my successor," the silvery light said in a gentle voice.

"Why did you call me your successor?" Irene asked with uncertainty.

"I'm afraid that I cannot tell you all the details but I can say this: you are my successor and the champion of the prophecy of Serene. Unfortunately, I can't tell you all the details as I have some limitations if you understand what I mean," the silvery light spoke apologetically.

"Why does this situation feel like it has happened before?" Irene said still unsure of what to make of the situation.

"One could say that this is a strange yet familiar world or should I say will be eventually familiar to you my successor," the silvery light spoke in a mysterious yet extremely vague way.

"Wait please can I ask what your name is?" Irene asked politely.

"My name? Well, anything for you my successor, my name is [.......] the protector of the kingdom of Serene or well I used to be. Well, what do you expect to happen when you are betrayed by a close friend, but alas let us not talk about that, at least not now," the silvery voice said in sorrowful tone?

"Am I truly dead?" Irene asked in a polite manner.

"Well let's say yes and no, but you need to wake up soon before you forget this conversation my dear successor," the silvery light spoke in a regretful manner.

A heavy weight could be felt on Irene's left arm, a great amount of people could be heard sobbing loudly. 'Where am I, I'm not dead am I?'. The sweet embrace of this so-called death was peaceful for Irene, at least she could finally rest for what seemed to be weeks.

But what if it was not just what it seemed.

"Wake up my dear child, please father is worried my sweet daughter!  Can't you hear your poor father? I already lost your mother and I can't lose you!" a broken voice belonging to a man could be heard.

'Was this not death but a new beginning?'

'Why does this place feel strange yet familiar?'

'Have I been here before?'

Irene felt as though she had experienced a similar scenario to this, although she couldn't quite remember why it felt so very nostalgic. Maybe she had indeed been in a similar scenario. The scent of freshly made herbal tea and the desperate sobbing of the father could be heard. Then something unexpected happened, was this a joke of some sort, perhaps there was a god of some sort meddling with fate. This was no less than a laughable assumption one may think but unfortunately this may be the case for the unfortunate Irene.

The eyes of the daughter opened.

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