Chapter One

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Chapter One

Aubri to the side or above if you're on mobile.

Oliver's POV

I was on my way to the Uni. Café with a couple of friends we were laughing and joking around when I smelt it. I take a long sniff and look around then nudge my best my best friend Emerson who was also a wolf "Do you smell that?" I ask He sniffs the air and looks at me confused

"Smell what?" "It's like sweet and spicy I don't know how to explain it but it smells so good." I say "MATE!!" My wolf growls "Fuck." I whisper "What's up?" He asks "My wolf says our mate near."

"Well where the smell is coming from go find him or her." I walk past everybody and follow the smell to the Café. Everything stops when I walk in, my eyes immediately go to a short guy dressed in black skinny jeans, a Breathe Carolina shirt and black vans.

He has a nose ring and looks pissed, His face flushed crimson and he was yelling at these two red headed girls. I start walking over and sling my arm over his shoulders he stops yelling and looks up at me giving me a dirty look. The red haired girls giggle and run away.

"You guys wait till I find you he yells after them then looks at me

"Can I help you?"

"Yes you can actually I wanna take you out." I say grinning He snorts and shrugs my arm off his shoulders then starts walking away. "Hey!" I catch up with him and ask "What's the rush?" I wrap my arm around his waist.

"Will you stop touching me!?" He yells "Um no anyway I'm Oliver, you can call me Oli what's your name?" "Aubri, will you go away now?" He asks "Will you go on a date with me?" He freezes

"What?" "Go out with tomorrow after the game." "Why?" He asks moving out of my arms and stomping up the dorm steps. I quickly follow him "Because I like you, I think your cute." I say he snorts again and turns down the hallway stopping at the third door on the left.

"Okay tell you what, I'll come to your game let you take me out but you have to take me to a fast food restaurant and shower once the games over cause you'll probably stink. Aubri says "Okay but why a fast food restaurant?" I ask watching him unlock the door and step inside.

"So I can eat like a pig and disgust you."

He says slamming the door in my face. I laugh a stupid grin on my face as I walk away. Apple Cinnamon, he smells like Apple Cinnamon.

Short only because I have it written on paper this story is only gonna be ten chapters and should be finished by next week because I'm gonna try to update two chapters every time or I might just put it all up at once.

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