*Complicated Case*

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I got up early and went to the kitchen, i wanted to thank Arizona for letting me stay here. That couch was really comfortable actually.
I saw some basic ingredients and started to cook.

Y/N: Goodmorning Alex!
Alex Karev: God! Why are you up already?
Y/N: I could ask you the same thing..
Alex Karev: Go get ready and wake up Arizona, you are on her service today.
Y/N: Oh.. i thought i was on doctor Grey's her service?
Alex Karev: Well she asked for you, she got a really complicated case today.
Y/N: Oh.. i'll go get ready then!

Y/N looked shocked when i said that.. i hoped Arizona would be up soon since breakfast was ready.
I was actually proud of myself! I heard the two women arguing upstairs. But when i got there they were laughing...

Arizona Robbins: Oh hey Alex! I heard you were cooking? That must have been a joke right?
Alex Karev: I- i.. yeah i was cooking, breakfast is ready.
Arizona Robbins: Who made you do it?
Alex Karev: Just go downstairs and eat women are just weird.

I left while Y/N and Robbins were still in the room, i started to eat because i felt like i could pass out.


When Alex left i quickly stood up and walked to door

Y/N: I'll give you some privacy...
Arizona Robbins: Could u just do 1 thing for me Y/N?
Y/N: Sure what is it?
Arizona Robbins: Could u give me my leg i can't reach it..
Y/N: Yeah sure, here you go!
Arizona Robbins: Thank you!

When i got downstairs i saw Alex putting his plate in the dishwasher.

Alex Karev: Tell Robbins i'm gonna get some more clothes.. I'll be gone by the end of the week!
Y/N: Alright then...

Alex rushed outside and i saw him pulling out of the driveway.

Arizona Robbins: Where is Alex?
Y/N: He already left.. He said he was gonna get some more clothes to stay here till the end of the week.
Arizona Robbins: Wait what? Till the end of the week?!
Y/N: What's wrong with that?
Arizona Robbins: My parents.. they're coming to have dinner with me and Sophia..
Y/N: You'll figure it out! Now let's sit down and eat.
Arizona Robbins: I hope you're right...

You both finished breakfast and put the plates in the dishwasher. You grabbed your coats and got in Arizona's car.
Once you arrived at the hospital you started on the big complicated case.

Y/N: This looks impossible! How are we going to get that tumor out without damaging her ribcage?
Arizona Robbins: I'll page Callie and Maggie..

Callie and Maggie both entered the room and looked at the scans...

Callie Torres: I'm sorry Zona this is impossible..
Y/N: So what do we do now?
Maggie Pierce: Yeah how do you want to aproach this?
Arizona Robbins: I don't know.. I'll page again if i have found something..
Callie Torres: Alright then!

They both left the room. I could see Arizona had no clue what to do next..
It was dead silent in Arizona's office, you waited for 7 minutes but still nothing

Y/N: I'm gonna go now...

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