*The Question*

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You had just finished surgery with Richard and scrubbed out.

Richard Webber: Hey Y/N!
Y/N: Doctor Webber?
Richard Webber: I want to surprise your mother with dinner, do you know any recipes?
Y/N: I- uh.. she likes lasagna!
Richard Webber: Do you have a recipe?
Y/N: I'll give it to you later doctor Webber!
Richard Webber: Thank you!

You walked away from Richard when Meredith joined you.

Meredith Grey: What was that about?
Y/N: Haven't you heard?
Meredith Grey: Heard what?
Y/N: Webber and my.. mother are a thing!
Meredith Grey: Welcome to the club!
Y/N: Oh i know!
Meredith Grey: Wait what..
Y/N: Richard slept with Ellis Grey, your and Maggie's mother and then we have Jackson's mother and now mine!
Meredith Grey: You eeally did your homework huh?!
Y/N: Always been the top of my class!

You both went your separete ways, you went to find Jo.

Jo Wilson: Hey Y/N, am i on your service?
Y/N: No your on Grey's service but i need to talk to you.. privatly..
Jo Wilson: Oh sure..

You walked to a supplycloset and locked the door.

Jo Wilson: What do you wanna talk about?
Y/N: So i- i need you to not judge me and to give me your honest opinion okay?
Jo Wilson: You are making me nervous Y/N!
Y/N: Do you think it's too soon to ask Arizona to marry me?!
Jo Wilson: Wait you seriouly want to?
Y/N: Is this you judging me?
Jo Wilson: No you two are made for eachother! Plus i'm 100 bucks richer...
Y/N: What was that last bit, you seriouly bet on my relationship?!
Jo Wilson: You two are adorable togheter, let me have my dreams! When are you going to ask her?
Y/N: I can't yet, i need her father's conent!
Jo Wilson: Oh my God this just gets cuter every minute!
Y/N: Promise me you won't tell anyone?
Jo Wilson: Promise!

You unlock the door and saw Arizona standing there.

Arizona Robbins: Promise not to tell everyone what?
Y/N: Nothing Zona!
Jo Wilson: I need to get the labs for doctor Grey!

Jo runs away and you lean in for a kiss.

Arizona Robbins: No kisses until you tell me what you told her Y/N!
Y/N: Oh come on!

You waited for Arizona in the lobby and went home.

Y/N: We're home!
Arizona Robbins: Thank you Layla once again!
Layla: It's my pleasure!

You payed Layla and gave Sophia a hug.

Arizona Robbins: I'm going to run myself a bath okay?
Sophia Robbins Sloan Torres: Okay momma!

Arizona went upstairs.

Y/N: Hey Sophia, i was wondering if you wanted to call your grandma and grandpa?
Sophia Robbins Sloan Torres: I'd love too!
Y/N: I'll go ask momma okay?
Sophia Robbins Sloan Torres: If she says no give her the puppy eyes, it always works for me!
Y/N: Thank you for the tip Sophia!

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