Part 1

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Y/n was the princess of Atlanta, Her father is very protective over her as she is his only child.

Her mother fell sick after she had given birth to Y/n, she is still alive but has to have special care everyday.

Y/n cares about her mother more than anything, she accompanies her most days, helps her eat, swim, and perform daily tasks. She cant help but feel responsible the state of her mother even though she wasn't the cause.

Her mothers immune system was low during the pregnancy which caused her to develop a chronic illness. The effects this had on Y/n while developing were luckily trivial. Y/n has been weaker then others her whole life, not able to undergo heavy activity frequently.

Y/n's eyes fluttered open to the sun lightly shining into her room. She moved around a bit not wanting to get up, curling up in a ball in the blankets around her.

Eventually she got up and swam to get ready, she brushed her h/c hair gently and slowly.

Mermaids do not wear clothing unlike humans do, there is simply no purpose underwater. They do however enjoy simple jewelry.

She put on a dainty necklace with a small shell hanging in the middle.

I swim out of my room to go see my mother in her sleeping chambers.

I bow my head when I meet her eyes as she still floats around her bed.

"Good morning Mother." I say to her. I then come around to gave her a gracious gentle hug.

Mothers eyes soften when she sees me,

"Good morning my dear Y/n." She whispers in her soft voice.

"Are you going out today Y/n?' Mother asks.

"Yes, I'm hoping to find those pearls you've been wanting for the necklace you've been working hard on."

Mother smiles at the thought, "Make sure to bring back some Sea Flowers for me dear." she looks to her side table, "My current seem to have withered away."

I smile warmly at my mother, "How could I forget, I know how much you love them."

She sighs happily shaking her head, "I hope you know how much more I love you Y/n."

I come closer to my mother, "I wish you know the same about me mother."

I embrace her for a long while until parting ways leaving her to rest.

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I will be back soon mother i thought as i swam out of her room. I went to the kitchen to get a small snack for breakfast. When i arrived i saw my father talking to the chefs about dinner. I grabbed some seaweed and before i could leave my father grabbed my shoulder.

"And where do you think you are going missy." i turned around to see my father smiling at me, " I was just going to the market father." i said smirking back at him,

"Just the market?" he said, i sighed and said "yes father." "Good girl." he said and pulled me into a hug, he knew i wanted to see the world and not just the ocean, but he couldn't risk anything happening to me.

I pulled away and said goodbye to my father. On the swim to the market i would wave at the townsfolk, for i was there princess after all. I loved my kingdom so much, the people were all so nice and kept the kingdom nice as well. When i go there i found my favorite pearl booth.

They had shiny beautiful pearls of all colors, along with other jems,

"Hello princess!" said Emelia the booth keeper, i come often so i would consider her and i friends,

"Good morning Emelia! How have you been?" i asked.

She smiled and said 'Iv been great, thank you princess" "its no problem." i said and smiled, After picking out some pearls me and Emelia chatted about random things. I said my goodbyes, and before i left i went to the flower shop nearby.

There was hundreds of flowers all around the booth, all different colors and smells. I went looking for some Sea flowers for my mother. I swam to the back and while looking i over heard two men talking,

"You have got to hear about his mate!" one of them said, "this flower hear has the properties to heal any sickness! I found it while going close to the surface!"

"That's one silly story you got there buddy," the other one said, "But its true! I gave some to my daughter and her cold was healed in less than 10 mins," i thought it was just a myth too." i was listening closely while pretending to look for flowers,

"its called the sun blossom, and you can only get it from the surface" the man said, "well yu are one lucky fellow mate" the other man said.

I thought for a while before thinking, if i can get my hands on one of those flowers i could heal mother. Would it be worth disobeying my father and going to the surface? Yes, if it could help my mother it is.

I finally found the flowers i was looking for, and wow they were beautiful, i see have they are my moms favorite. I payed and left to go back to the palace, i thought about that flower for the rest of the day.

Yayayaya Thats the end of chapter 1 i hope you guys liked it!!!! please tell me if you would like me to continue And thanks for reading!!

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