Chapter one- His eyes

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People who love to eat are always the best people - Julia Child

Ever since I could remember, food has always been on my mind. From my very first spoonful to the last crumb on the plate. From home cooked to Michelin star. Food has been the centre of my attention. It's comforted me when times got rough. The ideas, flavours and determination concocted into a slithering mouth watering creation. That brings the warmth into our hearts, like a cup of coco and freshly baked mince pie on a cold winters day.

My name is Autumn Springer, I'm twenty two, and as you've probably already guessed I love my food. In fact I live for it. I run a small bakery, Sweet Little Joys, just off Willow street with my best friend April O'Connell and were hoping to expand it into a restaurant. The other great loves of my life are Samantha, my ginger Tabby known as Sam and Bradley, my Frenchie otherwise known as Brad. I have an older brother Josh and an older sister Harper who lives with her husband Jeff and their children John and Neve. I currently live in a flat I share with April although Josh occasionally crashes on our couch. Which is where he currently is, asleep and dead to world. If only he was right now so I wouldn't have to deal with his shit, otherwise known as Nicole, his crazy and overbearing soon to be ex.

"You've got 5 seconds to get your ass up Josh and come out here or I'll free Brad" If I was him, I'd ignore my advice and jump for the window!

I was ready to leave for Grandma Abby's birthday weekend when Miss bombshell decided to shoot her wrath on my seemingly bright day. Me being the idiot i am, instantly buzzed up and opened the door before checking and now standing in my hallway waiting for Josh, is the devil in form of a tall, barely clothed female who had literally barged her way into my apartment, talk about fucking manners. Heavy makeup coated her face, her hair like an overused Barbie doll, teased and sprayed so much its untamed nature like that of a birds nest. Covered in a crop top to maximise her cleavage and tight ripped jean shorts. They may be fashionable in some cases however the 'so tight its unbreathable' look doesn't really do it for me.

She stood there, hip jutted to the side, eyes glued onto the door, whiles the tick of the clock kept the space between us from silence. She could of at least had the dignity not to have her ying yang on show for another couple of months, it was spring for god sake. "Joshy baby, its me, I've been thinking about yesterday and i think we can work this out. You know I'll always love you and in time you can make it up to me." I feel sorry for the girl, i really do but she can't take the message. None of them ever do. People like her and Josh just didn't work out. They never have and never will. I don't know how to describe it, she's like the first slice from a pack of bread, that everyone touches but only to get the pieces they want from behind it and is sooner thrown away. It's the same either way round. If you start a relationship with a carefree attitude, your never going to get the results. Its a simple steeping stone to the process to finding ones soul mate.

Josh is what you would probably call a has been 'Mr popular', he was captain of the football team at school and pretty much had everyone's heads stuck up his arse hole, it really wasn't a place where the sun shone. But like most people who had the perfect school experience, he didn't want to leave it. So instead of going to collage or university, he stuck with his Saturday job at the cinema, playing video games, drinking beer and sleeping on his little sister couch when he didn't have a bed to stay in. I know boys will be boys and who didn't like video games or a beer but at twenty four you would really think he would of got his act together. Got a proper job, rented a flat and at least treated girls other than his sisters, with an bit of respect. Unfortunately for Josh, the ability to apply his brain to changes has always been a little below average.

The door to the living room moving brought me out of my thoughts and Josh appeared dressed in a plain t-shirt and Jeans. "Have a nice weekend Aur, say happy birthday to Abby for me." He knows fucking well I hate that nickname. He looked at me for one last saviour which I replied with a raised eyebrow to tell him he was on his own and both him and Nicole left. Finally I could leave. I knocked on Mrs Davis door, my elderly next door neighbour, thanked her again for looking about my baby's and said goodbye.

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