Chapter two- Her eyes

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Chapter 2- Damien introduction

Music to me is the air that I breathe, it's the blood that pumps through my veins that keeps me alive - Billie Joe Armstrong

Ever since I could remember, music has been in my soul. It's the one thing that been there when I was down, where my guard had slipped and the world see my scars and cracks. It's the only time I allowed my emotions to take over now, because what happened when I couldn't control my desires, destroyed my life from the inside out. It's helped me turn a new leaf, allowed me to escape the hell I had created for myself and made me into a man anyone would be proud to call there's.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I'm Damien O'Connell, I'm twenty four and as you know I co-own DC records with my great friend Caleb Blade. It's been a long journey but we've finally reach our dreams. And this is all thanks to every single person in this room. Now enough from me, we all know you didn't turn up today for my speech alone, thank you for listening." I smiled politely before I left. The flashes and stretching form of the press, thankfully weakened as a rushed from the commotion and entered my awaiting car. I should of taken the private underground parking, that's what it was fucking for!

Walking into my apartment complex, I rode up the elevator to my floor and unlocked my door. If there was one thing money couldn't buy, it was home. My tranquillity. It may have been my home for the past five years, but over these years, despite the ups and downs, I have built it into my home.

As I switched on the lights, the scene before me chased away my problems. It was a handsome room, like that of its owner, with faded Italian tapestry and Arcadia Bonsai furniture and other Empirical empire things blending together, the reds, browns, greens and greys collecting. It was pleasing, very pleasing. It wasn't big either but the phantom walls and open space gave the illusion it went on for miles. I picked up my duffel bag beside the front door and made it quickly back down the elevator.


I drove down the final street before arriving at Grandma Abby's, I turned down the music and turned into the car park area and parked my car beside the house, out of site. It was like the last time I saw the place, nothing had changed. I wanted it to be a surprise. I hadn't seen my grandma Abby in 5 years.

Cutting the engine, I knew everyone would be asleep by now. As soon as I stepped outside, it all came back to me. During the summers I spent at grandma Abby's beach house, I hadn't taken notice to the beauty around me. To me the grass was green, the trees were green and the flowers was green half the time. I couldn't wait to leave, to switch open fires for central heating, the beach and its garden for high balcony tops, wood for sleek, modern metals. That's why I worked so hard to get away from here, to achieve something new, something normal in the city. But now my life is filled with grey roads, grey concrete buildings, grey skies and over time have grown to miss the colours of my home town.


As I entered my old room I dropped my bag, pulling the curtains on the way to the light, turning it off and finally plopping onto the bed. I was tired as hell, weary with burden, longing for closed eyes. I could easily pull off the walking zombie look, well a sitting zombie one, dead on the inside whilst being only subconsciously awake. Whoever said being successful was easily, must have been sadly mistaken. 5 am starts really does have a long term affect on your body. It constantly feels as though energy is effortlessly being drained out of me, like that of leaking electricity. My tiredness made me limp, as I effortlessly chucked off my shoes, one by one, rubbing my temples with my other hand and carried on undressing, this was when I heard SMASH and the following splinter.

I was sure I hadn't woken anyone on my arrival, sure my sneaking in skills hadn't had much practise over the five years, but I knew Grandma Abby's house like the back of my hand. This house was my second home. My room was metres from everyone else. The last bedroom in the corridor. The nearest room was Aprils, and that was four doors down. What on earth would have caused loud of a sound. Maybe I had just imagined it, I must have. A new side affect to make lack of sleep surely. But it was then I noticed their had been a light seeping under the door way, but now was gone. Surely I couldn't have imagined that as well.

Slowly, I raised from the welcoming haven of my bed and crept towards the bathroom door. The door where the unnoticed light had disappeared! Right after that SMASH! Turning my head to the side, I placed my ear to the wood. Nothing, absolutely nothing! I listened for a little while longer but nothing availed, nothing gave me a hit of what the earlier noise could have been. Maybe my imagination was just getting ahead of me, things like this just don't happen in real life. That was when I heard deep breathing from the other side of the door. Surely no! My life was never this exciting. The last time I had someone at my door at this time a night was......, well that was quite some time ago. A time I'd rather not specify. And a time of a certainly different situation. The intruder was just outside the door! My heart beat raced erratically, washing away with it, the hope of this being some kind of sleep deprived hallucination.

The shaded twilight reflected it's shadow from beyond the slit of the curtains. It was the only light illuminating the room, the shadow's surrounded me, coiling and swirling around me, chilling me to the bone. I had to open the door, stop these shenanigans. I swayed aloof from the door. This was really starting to get to me. Surely this was all a figure of my imagination. That's when I suddenly heard the click of a lock, a the slow twisting of the door knob. Surely the intruder was not going to attack! I quickly looked around the room, for a make-ship weapon, the lamp next to the bed maybe. But before I could reach for it, the door began to budge. Surely I couldn't just let the trespasser right in. As quickly as it was humanly possible, I gripped the door knob, the slight, effortless breeze that surrounded me, kissed my welcoming exposed skin. Dancing its way across my body, leaving sharp, raised hairs in it's path. In the silence, the swirl of the wind sounded like thunder from a stormy nightmare, like the beat of serpents heart, right before he catches it's prey. This was it, this was my proof. I had not imagined the Smash nor the flashing of the light. My hands were moving of their own accord,tugging with all my might on the knob, but for some reason the door would no stay closed. What type of horror movie was I in? Was this my penance for Caleb's and mines success? I knew my luck would run out eventually. That's when I saw the figure behind the door and as I followed up her small frame, I came to them, them piercing green eyes. And I realised this really was a penance for my sins. Because they were her eyes.

Author note:
So chapter two. Feel free to like and comment. All feedback is appreciated.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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