One Day

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One Day

Written and Created By: Shavonne R. Johnson

We open on a hot southern summer morning. The type of heat that's muggy, but comforting to born and bred southerners.

The heat would be smothering to some, but in the urban neighborhood, it's the status quo. Doors are open as well as windows, letting the summer breeze blow curtains and air out homes.

Kids play in yards, ride bikes, men and young boys cut grass, women sit on porches and do yard work.

We focus on one house in particular. It's a well-kept house, nothing stands out. Nothing out of ordinary. A four door sedan sits in the front yard. We go into the house. It's quiet. Nothing moves. We hear an iPhone alarm blaring. We follow the sound.

We go down the hall. We go by two bedrooms. Both are empty. One looks like the inhabitant left in a hurry and the other has the bed made. In the third, one we find the source of the iPhone alarm and its owner.


In the bed, we see LITATIA, 24, Black, braids splayed over the pillow, bonnet lost in bed. Legs making her looking like a lowercase "h" She groans and sits up and picks up her phone.

[looks at her phone like it's an ancient Egyptian slab with hieroglyphics]

The phone alarm is for 9:30 a.m.

It's 10:08 a.m.

She stops the alarm with a a screwed up look on her face. She checks her notifications as she throws her legs over the edge of the bed.

She has several missed calls and texts.

Mama, mama, mama,
[stands up]

[walks to the window and looks out the blinds]

I bet she ain't even try to wake me up.

LITATIA stretches and walks around her room grabbing clothes. She throws them over her shoulder and walks into the hallway. She walks into the bathroom across the hall, puts her clothes on top of the bathroom rack and turns the shower on and then walks out of the bathroom.

We follow her as she walks down the hall. She peeks into the first room. She leans against the door jamb and put her phone on speaker as she dials a contact. It's her mom.

[phone rings]

Mama, where you at?


Your phone breaking up, MAMA. I'ma text you.

You-Your- Look- Tate-

[walks to the last bedroom and looks in]
Tate's not here either. He with you?


Beep. Beep. Beep

[looks down at her phone]

Phone screen informs her that the call has been dropped.

LITATIA sends a message to a contact listed as Blood with the needle and the black heart

"Where you at? Text me. I'm bout to get in the shower. Love you."

LITATIA walks and gets in the shower. We hear music playing from her phone and while the music plays we hear the muffled tone indicating that someone is texting her.


LITATIA stands in front of the sink with her jeans and bra on while she brushes her teeth. She looks down at her phone and reads the message from Blood...

Look, listen, and feel : A 10 story horror anthology Where stories live. Discover now