Series 2 part 9 Max Out

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Rin was floating in a dark void within his mindscape. Images of bodies flashed in front of him, Sherrif Mason, Lamia, and Evil Ben. The images of them caused him to yell from the torment. He opened his eyes and was left to himself in the void. A landscape sprang from the darkness, landing Rin on his feet. He looked around and saw everyone close to him. He saw Max, Gwen, Kevin, Ben, Albedo, and Looma who were all standing some distance away from him. He ran to them and before he could reach them an invisible barrier stopped him. 

He fell from the sudden collision but quickly stood back up. He punched the barrier to no avail, trying desperately to shatter it. He transformed into Ultimate MonKi and began punching again. He punched to no avail which made him punch harder and faster. He threw a larger punch with all his power and still it did nothing. He fell out of his transformation and his friends began walking away.

He dropped to his knees and sobbed quietly.

"Please, don't go." He said quietly.

He heard sets of footsteps behind him and he turned around. What he saw shocked and terrified him. It was Lamia and Evil Ben.

"H-how?" Rin asked, fear overcoming all of his Galvanic intelligence, "You're supposed to be dead."

"Oh honey," Lamia said in a sickly sweet voice, " You have no idea what's possible."

Before Rin could stammer a response Evil Ben went to stab Rin but before the knife could connect Rin jolted up in his bed and awoke in a cold sweat.

Before he could begin to hyperventilate Looma gently grabbed onto him and began stroking his hair and reassuring him.

"It's ok, you're safe." She said.

She kept soothing him until his mini panic attack was over and he explained his short dream. She listened and just held him tighter.

"We will always be here for you." Looma said, " Me especially, I love you." 

She brought Rin's eyes to her level and gave him a quick kiss.

"Thanks, Looma." Rin said, "I'm alright now."

Looma let out a small sigh of relief and got up prompting  Rin to look at his nightstand and see that it was past 6 p.m. He got up and hopped in the shower. About thirty minutes later he came out of the bathroom and checked his phone after putting on clean clothes. He noticed missed calls from Ben Gwen and Kevin.

He called Ben and when he answered Rin asked, "What did you want earlier when you tried to call?"

"My cousin Ken went missing and we found evidence of Grandpa Max," Ben said.

"The cousin with that crappy car he called the Awesomemobile?" Rin asked.

"Yeah," Ben said, "We tracked them both to this town called Santa Mira and we need help."

"Ok, I can meet you in an hour or two I need to do some work on the Ultimatrix and I'll get Looma to join us," Rin said.

Rin hung up the phone and rushed downstairs to grab the Ultimatrix where he left it but he noticed it was gone. He quickly thought to check the basement lab and saw the Ultimatrix on a workbench repaired to its original capabilities. He hooked the Ultimatrix up to a nearby work pc and began to run diagnostics and he compared the features to Ben's Omnitrix from when they repaired it after the battle with Darkstar.

As he began Albedo came into the lab and got set up at his workstation.

"What are you doing?" Albedo asked Rin as he began tinkering with a drone.

"I'm running some diagnostics on the Ultimartix to see if there are any things I should add or remove," Rin said as he typed.

"What are you adding or removing?" Albedo asked.

Ben 10 and the Ultimatrix userWhere stories live. Discover now