2nd Anniversary Bonus Chapter

256 6 26

(@MikaelcarloTia request Iron Man)

A purple giant stood over several defeated warriors. One had long hair and a braided beard he was embedded into the face of a rock, blood trickled from his nose and lips. Another was dressed in a blue combat suit with the shattered remains of a shield strapped to his arm and his suit was painted with blood. There were dozens of fallen fighters and only two remained standing, one man in red and gold armor, and a young teenager in blue and red armor. Their faces were exposed as their faceplates had been destroyed long ago

"We can't give up!" The teenager said.

A web shot from his wrist, covering the face of the purple giant. He pulled with all his might and the purple giant fell to his knees. The older man surged forward, his boots turning into a massive rocket thruster. His hands morphed into a bludgeon, bringing it down on the giant's head to little effect. A small cut formed at the impact site and the giant retaliated, grabbing the man by the chest, and slamming him into the ground.

"Mr. Stark!"

The teen shot webs from his wrists and pulled back. He released his grip and went flying towards the purple man. A loud crack reverberated through the battlefield as his feet made contact with the giant's chest. He went flying into the rubble of a broken building.

"Are you ok?" the teen asked as he crouched over Stark, assessing him for injuries.

The older man coughed for a brief moment and his reply came soon after.

"I'm fine, Peter." He rose to his feet, "We have to keep fighting until someone receives our SOS message. Until then, we have to keep Thanos away from the gauntlet!"

"Where is it?" Peter asked.

"Truth is, I have no idea." he replied, "But if we keep him busy, he won't have a chance to find it."

The ground rumbled as debris fell from the collapsed building. The pile rose several feet before being tossed away by Thanos.

"I grow weary of your games," Thanos said in annoyance.

"Then you're going to hate us!" An unknown voice shouted.

A massive ship descended from above the clouds, making the fighters brace themselves not to be thrown back by the strength of the thrusters. A ramp descended from the ship and two normal-looking teenagers jumped out. They landed on a grey plate of energy, safely breaking their fall.

"Someone call for a rescue?" One of the kids asked.

The one who asked had been tall, very tall. He was taller than even Tony in his armor, while the other was a few inches shorter than Peter. The taller one had black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin with a blue jacket tightly hugging his body, while the shorter one had white hair, red eyes, and a red leather jacket with the number 10 on its left breast. Both of them wore odd-looking purple watches with a distinct hourglass design.

"Who are you?" Thanos asked in annoyance. He was almost done with the fight and these two just had to show up.

"Doesn't really matter," The taller one said, "But for easier communication, I'm Rin."

"I'm Albedo," The other one said.

Thanos grunted in annoyance and with all his strength, threw a massive piece of rubble at the teens. In a flash of purple light, Rin and Albedo were replaced with creatures made of purple rock with magenta crystals jutting randomly off their bodies with their watch symbols on their chests. A beam of rainbow-colored energy shot from their hands, incinerating the rubble mid-air.

"That was rude," Rin said, "Now we gotta destroy you."

In another flash, the two teens assumed a humanoid, cat-like form. They raced towards Thanos with a loud boom following their movement.

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