Chapter 3

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Jesse follows her son outside the treasure room, and the first thing she hears is her friends and family asking her a barrage of questions. "Jesse! Are you okay?" "What happened in there?" "Was that you we heard scream?" "Whats going on Jesse?" The questions continue to spew out and Jesse just takes it all before taking a deep breath, "Guys, I am fine. I just... Fell over and it shocked me, but I promise you I am fine." She says. Everyone just looks at Jesse, because she just stated what happened so matter-of-factly. They all just stare at her for a moment and Jesse rubs the back of her neck, "Look, guys, I am fine... Can we just continue on with founding day?" Jesse asks and Radar grins, "OH! That reminds me!" Radar starts to talk as he flips through the pages on the clipboard, "There are a few groups of people who want to see you! There are the guys who want to remodel their slime bouncing tower and they need someone to test it out, someone wants to as see you and Mr. Axel and Mrs. Olivia to ask how their fireworks dispensing machine is,  many people want to see you at the town square to be able to see their heroes before tonight--" As Radar continues to name off things people wanted of Jesse and her friends for that day, Jesse's eyes wander away from her son and she looks over at her dad, who has a stern look on his face. He slowly shakes his head, trying to subtly remind her that she made a promise to spend her day relaxing; That she promised she wouldn't work at all until that night, when "Founding Day" goes into full effect. As looks away from her dad, him, Alex and Isabella quickly back away to go explore the town. Jesse looks back at her son. "What would you like to do first, mom?" Radar asks, with a huge grin on his face. Axel, Olivia, Petra and Lukas all look over at Jesse and she shows a small smile, "Well why don't we go from the top and go from there?" Jesse says before looking at her friends. Axel and Olivia stand together and Olivia grins, "Well, I hope its okay but we would love to join you on helping you work today." Olivia smiles and Axel butts in, "Yeah, dude. Plus, your job seems like a lot more fun than the work we do at Redstonia and Boomtown--" "Axel!" Olivia shoves her elbow into Axels stomach, causing Jesse to stifle a laugh, "Don't believe him, he didn't mean it. Our Founding Days are plenty of fun!" Olivia says, clasping her hands together. Axel puts his hands over his stomach and grumbles under his breath before Petra rolls her eyes, "Yeah, I am sure he totally didn't mean it." She says sarcastically before looking down at Radar, "C'mon kid, let's get going." She says, grabbing onto Radars arm, and leading him towards the tower that leads to the slime bounce. Axel and Olivia both follow and Jesse lets out a sigh. She just watches her friends walk off before feeling someones hand intertwine with hers. She looks to her right and sees Lukas, "Hey, are you sure you are okay?" He asks, as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his right hand. "Do you really want my honest answer?" Jesse asks and Lukas nods, "I'm really worried Lukas, and I don't know what I will do if anything happens tonight." Jesse looks away from Lukas and looks around her town, "This place is my home... Its our home and if anything were to happen to it..." Tears starts to well up in her eyes before an envelope gets lowered in her face, "...Whats this?" She asks, grabbing the paper with her left hand, "Oh, just a letter to us from Aiden, Maya, Gil and Chris. I haven't read it yet, and I thought maybe you should read it first." Lukas says with a soft voice. It is pretty obvious, though, that he is pretty excited to hear from his old friends.

Jesse slowly pulls her right hand away from Lukas' hand before opening the envelope. They start to walk together, following their group of friends, and Jesse starts to read over the letter, out loud. "Hey Lukas! Hey Jesse! Its just us; Maya, Gil, Aiden and Chris! I know its been quite some time since we were able to talk, but all of us have been quiet busy packing up all of our stuff so we can move into Beacontown! We were really hoping to be able to make it in time for founding day, but the weather here hasn't been the best so we haven't been able to go anywhere... We are sorry we won't be able to make it for founding day, but we will be leaving as soon as the weather holds! We should be seeing you guys soon! Sincerely, The Ocelots." Jesse looks over the letter before looking back at Lukas. They both have a smile on their face, "Well, it looks like the ocelots are making a come back! Are you excited?" Jesse grins before looking back down at the letter. Before Lukas can answer, she starts to speak again, "Hey wait... There is one more line." Jesse says, looking at the very bottom of the paper. "Wait, what does it say?" Lukas asks, Stopping besides Jesse. "P.S. Hey, Lukas! Be sure to let us know how the—" "NOPE! You don't need to read that!" Lukas says as he snatches the letter from Jesse's hands. "Hey, Lukas! I was reading that!" Jesse says, trying to reach the paper. Lukas laughs before holding it above his head, "Do you really want it back, shorty?" He asks with a smirk plastered on his lips. "Yes, I do want it back, Blondie." Jesse glares right back at Lukas, as he holds the letter above her, "I cannot believe you are using my height against me.." She grumbles and crosses her arms. "Okay, you want it back? Then give me a kiss." Jesse didn't even hesitate. She grabs Lukas' face and gives him a short but passionate kiss. Lukas pulls her close and gives her a kiss back then they hear someone yell, "Hey! If you two are done making out, we have work to do!" Jesse and Lukas pull away and look away from each other. "Yeah yeah... We're coming Petra!" Lukas grabs onto Jesse's hand and smiles to himself before pulling her with him, leading her to her group of friends. Jesse smiles as well before rubbing her thumb against the back of his hand as they walk together, "I love you, blondie." She grins, resting her head against his arm. He leans over and kisses the top of her head, "I love you too, shorty." Jesse looks up at Lukas before laughing, "You do realize that you are the only one that is allowed to call me that right?" She squeezes his hand and he nods, "Yeah, and you are the only one allowed to call me blondie. It is just our thing." They both share a smile before finally catching up with their friends.

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