Chapter Four: First Day Of School

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That morning started early as Eevee woke up to her alarm going off at 6 am, and she groans and turns off the alarm and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
"First day of we go..." Eevee says as she gets ready. After she gets ready she goes and gets Ethan ready. After she got Ethan ready she pack Ethan's and her lunch. After she makes the lunches she grabs her and Ethan's backpacks and packs everything they need for the day. After packing everything both of their things both of them go upstairs and say goodbye to Norah and Ray and go and catch the bus.

*Time skip to when they are on the bus*

Eevee is sitting in the second to last seat and Ethan is sitting in the seat in front of her, the bus stops at the house across the street from Eevee and Ethan's house, a girl gets on and Eevees eyes lock onto her, her face turning red as she walks up to Eevees seat.
"Can I sit here?" Espeon asks.
"Oh um...sure!" Eevee says as she sits down, her eyes still locked on Espeon.
"I-I'm Eevee. Im new to town...I just moved here" Eevee says.
"Im Espeon, it's nice to meet you, if you'd like I can show you around the school and the town" Espeon says.

"Sure I'd like that" Eevee says with a soft blush appearing on her face.

*Time to them entering school*

Eevee gets off the bus holding Ethan's hand with Espeon following behind them.
"Hey Espeon...could you help me find the elementary part of the school?" Eevee asks.
"Sure follow me" Espeon says smiling.
Eevee nods and smiles following her as she shows them to Ethan's classroom and the teacher walks up to him.
"Hi I'm Ms. Kayla, you must be my new student!" She said.
"Hi. My name is Ethan!" Ethan says to her.
It's nice to meet you why don't you go set your stuff down and find a place to sit okay? She says.
"Okay!" Ethan's says and Eevee hugs him goodbye and heads to her classroom.
"Which teachers do you have Eevee?" Espeon asks.
"I have Ms. Dakota for 1st to 6th period then I have Ms. Davis for 7th." Eevee says.
"Hey me to!" Espeon says excited.
Eevee giggles and follows her to their classroom where Eevee sits next to Espeon and waits for the teacher to arrive.
"Hello class I'm Ms. Dakota and I see we have a new student, what's your name sweets?" Ms Davis asks.
"I-Im E-Eevee" Eevee says stuttering feeling everyone eyes on her.
"It's great to have you sweets" Ms. Davis says as she walks to the board and starts teaching.

*Time skip to lunch*

The lunch bell rings right after 3rd period and Eevee and Espeon hang out and eat lunch and talk, suddenly Eevee starts dissociating while another alter tries to take front and Espeon notices this and waits for Eevee to come back.
"Hey you okay hunny?" Espeon asks.
"Y-yeah sorry...I have DID and another alter tried to front." Eevee says.
"It's okay hun. I understand" Espeon says.
Eevee smiles and finishes eating and then the bell rings and everyone heads back to class.

*Time skip to after school*

Eevee, Ethan, and Espeon get on the bus.
"Hey Espeon...wanna come over?" Eevee asks.
"Sure!" Espeon says. Eevee smiles big and soon the bus comes to Eevees stop and Eevee, Ethan, and Espeon get off the bus and walk inside the house.
"Hey hunny! How was school?" Ray asks.
"Great I made a new friend! Mom's this is Espeon!" Eevee says.
"Hi hunny. Im Ray and this is Norah" Ray says.
"Hi it's lovely to meet you!" Espeon says as Ray looks over at Ethan who is fast asleep on the couch.
"Hey mom Espeon and I are going to go upstairs and hang out okay?" Eevee says.
"Okay bubs. Let us know if you two need anything." Norah says.
"We will mom." Eevee says.

*Time skip to an hour later*

Eevee is laying in Espeon's lap cuddling her and Espeon just admires her and blushes, but little do Eevee and Espeon know that they are both catching feels for one another.
Character outfits/Items used in this chapter:

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