Chapter 3

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Adrien pulled himself out of his bed and went to take a warm relaxing shower. The memories still kept on playing in his head and that resulted in a pounding headache. After taking his very much needed shower, Adrien went downstairs to have breakfast.

His three partners immediately noticed his pained expression and knew what had happened.

"Had that same dream again?" Asked a curious Nino.

Even though it was clearly a nightmare, Adrien had refused to call it one. It was the last memory he had of his parents and seeing them again even in the form of a scary dream made him happy. Emilie's last words still echoed in his mind.

"We love you."

"What?" Asked Nino.

"Oh shoot! I said that out loud?" Asked Adrien.

"Uh, yeah." Replied Chloé as if stating an obvious fact.

"They were the last words my mom told me." Remembered Adrien.

"They still do, Adrien. They still love you and are watching over you from wherever they are." Replied Alya.

Nino and Chloé nodded in agreement. Adrien at all three of them with love and gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, guys."

"Don't mention it, Adrien." Replied Nino.


Nighttime slowly approached and the three Miraculous holders left the Miraculous HQ to go and patrol.

Adrien was left alone in their house as Master Fu had left to grab some supplies to their kitchen. He then transformed into Chat Noir and left to patrol the unattended part of Paris. He did a full patrol around the city and leapt towards the Eiffel tower. There, he was met with three other individuals.

Queen Bee, Carapace, and Rena Rouge looked at him with surprise evident in their eyes.

"What? Can't the lonely ally cat join you guys?" Asked Chat Noir.

"We thought that you won't be making an appearance for the next few nights." Replied Queen Bee.

"Someone changed my mind. Actually, it's a big adorable yet cute ball of fur that did it." Laughed Chat.

The other three holders looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

"It was Plagg. Guys, get your brains working. Please! The lag is killing me!" Sighed Chat while hunching over with a playful frown.

"Oh... That furball?" Asked Nino.

Chat Noir's transformation dropped immediately and Plagg came whisking out of his ring.

"Hey! Who are you calling a furball, eh? I'm an adorable little black kitten who has been carefully groomed and who also happens to have the ultimate power of destruction! Call me a 'furball' one more time and no one will be able to recognize that dumb face of yours after I'm done with it!" Shouted an annoyed Plagg.

The four holders looked at the 'adorable and all-powerful' kitten with looks of disbelief.

Even Adrien couldn't believe what he had just heard and he was dying just by trying to hold in his laughter. Just one look at Nino's face and Adrien lost it.

"HAHAHAHA! HAHA! Nino, your FACE! All hail Plagg, the adorable yet all-powerful little black kitten!!" Shouted Adrien.

"Thanks, kid. Only you and Master Fu know how to treat me right. It's a shame that these idiots don't." Replied Plagg.

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