A day before taehyung's departure to Japan is new company's location...
Taehyung chatting with friends for the last time before he leaves tomorrow ..
Taehyung was sitted with jimin ,and the rest the only person absent was jungkook ,he has been busy handling his father's business ,though he promised to come to the get together everyone knew he won't cause this isn't the first time he failed joining them .
Jimin- I would really miss you guys ,(hoseok , taehyung) ,I can't believe this is our last together after being friends for so long .he leaned into taehyung's body ,tae embraced him tightly.
Taehyung -this is not the last time we are meeting,we are only saperating for some time .
Yoongi- true,we are not tenagers anymore ,we have to face our futures now . looking at hoseok .
Hoseok - yoongi you can come with me .interwined his hand on yoongi's .
Yoongi - you know I can't ,I have to stay and work with jungkook I promised him..starring into hoseok's eyes sorrily ..
Jin- stop it guys you are going to make me cry ..embracing his boyfriend..
Namjoon- it's okay baby am never leaving your side for any reason ..
Jin- promise?
Namjoon- I promised ..embracing Jin tightly and placed a kiss on his forehead..
After few drinks and chat the boys decided to call it a night and jungkook still didn't show up .
Jimin sobbed hugging his hyung's and juniors in a group hug ..
Taehyung- don't cry jimin I promise to chat all of you everyday and call if chanced ..
All - you guys better do same ..
Jin- I will miss you guys ..engaging them into a hug again ,but namjoon pulled him out ..
Namjoon - it's okay now baby let's go ,so the boys can rest their trip.
Jin - okay ,I love you guys .
All - we love you too ..
They all saperated with their boyfriend's while jimin and taehyung went home alone to meet their's..
Taehyung decided to drop by the super market knowing jungkook would probably be running late again ,he needed to at least make him dinner before his departure tomorrow ..
He was still in the super market when he got a text from jungkook ..
My kookie 💜:
Hey tae baby were are you? Have been home waiting for you ..My baby tae 💜 :
On my way love just dropped by the supermarket ..Taehyung quickly rushed with his shopping and headed home to meet his kookie ..

love train | taekook (kookv)✔️
Fanfiction"Kookie i'm sorry ,I promise to never hangout or look at any body else the way I look at you " #topkook #bottomtae