Chapter (xx)

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Taehyung focus ..

Taehyung got into the practice room he immediately sited hoseok dancing with the rest crew ,he walked towards him with a smile , hoseok's eyes met his and hoseok smiled back .

Hoseok- hey tae ,how are you feeling today .

Tae- am doing fine .

Hoseok- I know, but don't you think you should rest for now,even if not for yourself but for the expectant .

Tae- stop it seok ,you wouldn't want people hearing you .

Hoseok- sorry ,so let's talk at the side for awhile the dance instructor went for an hour break .

Taehyung nodded in agreement and followed him to an open space inside the dance room ,they both sat down and hoseok started the conversation because it seems like taehyung wasn't going to talk any moment.

Hoseok- so tae , have you told jungkook about his child ?.

Tae- no seok .with a frown facing the floor to avoid eye contact with hoseok .

Hoseok- but why , don't you think he deserves to know the truth .

Tae- I know he deserves to know but there is a problem . Mr yunho came to my house today notifying me that he knows that am pregnant .

Hoseok- what ? Really sounding surprised..
So what did he say ?.

Tae- he said I should keep it a secret for now till he discuss with the general manager ,even away from jungkook .

Hoseok- but why would he want you to keep it away from jungkook?.

Tae- I don't know,I guess we will have to find out soon.

Hoseok- but I really think jungkook should know ,he will be really mad when he finds out later .

Tae- I know seok,I also want to tell him but there is nothing I can do about that now my hands are tied.
But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this till e everything is settled not even yoongi .

Hoseok - I can't promise not to tell yoongi unless he doesn't ask cause we promised each other not to lie to ourselves .

Tae- seo..

Taehyung was cut short when the dance instructor came in asking all of them to take their positions ..

After few hours of practicing they finally came of an end of today's practice, taehyung was happy cause he was already feeling tired and his stomach hurt cause of constant body movement ,he just needed a bath and body rest ..

Hoseok and taehyung had finished showering and were packing their bags to leave the building when taehyung got a beep notifying he got a message .he smiled thinking it was jungkook he missed him already .

He brought out his phone to be met with a text from his manager .

Kim taehyung you are to meet with the managing director in 15minutes don't be late .

Taehyung sighed when he was happy that his day work is over another thing came up .

Tae- hoseok you will be going back alone I have to meet up with my manager ..

Hoseok- okay,I will see you later then .

They both waved goodbye and taehyung made his way to the managing director's office ..

Jungkook's focus ..

After Jungkook's chat with taehyung this morning he wasn't feeling right ,he felt something was going on .still lost in thought he didn't notice yoongi coming into his office .

Yoongi - hey jungkook ,what's going on ,you have been spacing out so much this days .

Jungkook- nothing is going on yoongi .

Yoongi - you are sure .okay then, have you talked to taehyung .

Jungkook - yes I have ,but I still don't have rest of mind like something is eating my baby up but he doesn't want to tell me ..

Yoongi- stop it kook ,you are just missing him so much .

Jungkook- that's not true .

Yoongi- it's true kook but you need to get your ass together,we have things that needs your attention here ..
I have to go I promised hoseok that we would video call today ..

Jungkook- okay yoongi thanks a lot ,I will access this files and give them back to you by tomorrow.

Yoongi stood up about leaving when he turned

Yoongi- jungkook don't over stress yourself ,go home on time so you can talk with tae he isn't feeling well he needs you ..

Jungkook - thanks,will do just that . He smiled to yoongi ,before he finally walked out of jungkook's office..

Few hours into jungkook's work he realized it was already 9pm ,he quickly packed his bag and headed home so he could talk to his baby .

he checked his phone to see if there was any message from taehyung but there was none .."this is not my tae ,I know something is wrong and I have to find out soon before it totally consumes my baby "..

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