Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Harry's POV

I'm in the Owlrey and I reread my letter to Fred & George one last time. 

Dear Fred & George

How are you guys doing? How's the joke shop coming along? Is it still as successful as it was during the summer?

So... you both know that I hate asking for favors, but I wouldn't if I didn't think it was important. I am hoping you guys could help me out with something. You see, the new exchange students are always talking in Greek around us. Sometimes what they are doing is really suspicious. They also seem 110% ok with the dark arts... (like, as dark as they get) and I find that extremely suspicious since they just became a part of the order. I was hoping you can create something for me so I can understand what they are saying when they talk in another language. I'll pay you, so don't even think about doing this for free.

Anyways, I hope your store is staying successful and I wish you luck!

~ H. P.

It took me three tries, but I think it is finally good enough. I pet Hedwig and tie the letter along with a pouch of 30 galleons (with a weightless charm added) to her leg. She hoots in annoyance, but I give her a treat and she forgives me. I watch her fly off and then walk dejectedly back to the common room.

I'm so confused about this situation that it hurts. Neville is a good guy, and I know I can count on him in the darkest of situations, but why is he hanging around bad people?

Sure, he said that di Angelo saved his life multiple times and he trusts him because of that, but would he do the same to anyone who saved him? If Bellatrix randomly saved his life, would he start trusting her? I know the answer is no, which is why it makes this so confusing. Neville has a strong moral compass and sticks to it. He's very loyal, I realize.

I know Neville is still hiding things, though. I can sense it. And I hate that I'm loosing faith in one of my friends. I know having your friends not trust you hurts like a bitch. The few months that Ron stopped talking to me during the triwizarding tournament were hell.

This is one of the main reasons I want Fred and George to make this creation for me. I just want to listen in on what they all say, what Nico and Neville say. I want faith that he's still a good person at heart. Im just hoping I hear confirmation that Neville is who he says he is.

As I walk into the common room I see Ginny and Dean walk out. I feel an irrational sense of jealousy at seeing them together. I've been looking at her differently ever since I realized she is who I smelled in potions class.... ok, that sounds really creepy, but it was from the effects of a potion! She's just so tough and strong but at the same time warm and caring.  I sigh tiredly and sit down by the fire. Ron and Annabeth are playing chess, Will and Hermione are studying, Leo's building something, and I notice I can't find Percy anywhere.

"Hey, where's Percy?" I ask.

Leo and Will both get shit eating grins, but try to hide it. Annabeth says absentmindedly, "Asking Dumbledore if our friends can visit Hogwarts."

The boys know something more. There's a reason they smiled so widely. I'll ask them in the dorms later, it's obvious they don't want Annabeth to know yet.

I sigh and work on homework the next couple hours until Percy gets back, smiling the widest I have ever seen him.

"He said Yes!" Shouts Percy.

Annabeth smiles happily and says, "That's great, Seaweed Brain." But she's still focused on the game.

"You should invite Thalia! I already invited Grover and asked him to invite Coach Hedge. Oh! And I'll invite Jason and Reyna. Can you invite Hazel and Frank? Oh! And guess what?"

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