4 | Revenge | 4

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-George's POV-

"I shouldn't have let him go on his own, goddamnit!" Clay spits under his breath as we run through the streets. Karl does a surprisingly good job of keeping up with Clay, yet I still can't run at his speed after all this time. Or at all, really, using the few breaths I manage to gasp out pleas for them both to slow down.

"We can't slow down, sunshine!" Clay yells after I ask again, and Karl has the audacity to 'aww' at the nickname. "I hope Nick comes up with something that sweet for me one day!" Karl smiles dreamily, and I find myself jealous he has the energy to talk that loudly and keep running.

"That's if Fundy doesn't kill him first!" I manage to choke out, shaking my head as I will my burning lungs to take in more air. "I think it's the other way around, actually," Clay yells over his shoulder again, and I remember the last time I saw Sapnap angry.

Terrifying, and I don't think I'd wish that upon anyone, not even Fundy.

At last we reach the building where Sapnap said the meeting was to be held, and a yell from inside quickly proves that we've got the right place. I always used to find it weird how openly known the location of the elite assassin's camps and meeting points are, but soon learnt it's perfect for keeping scared passers-by from overhearing anything they shouldn't.

Clay doesn't give me any time to catch my breath, sprinting off in the direction of the entrance without stopping. Out of fear I force myself to keep going, willing my legs to run faster as I try to follow him through the maze of hallways inside. You wouldn't manage to reach the right room unless you knew where you were going in here, and I imagine Clay must know, but Karl and I are clueless.

Thankfully, we manage to keep up, and it's not long before we reach the room the shouting appears to be coming from. The door has been left ajar, and I watch Clay pull his smiley mask over his face before peering through the gap left open. It's hard to read his face with the mask covering most of it, but the way his mouth hangs agape before he pushes open the door gives me a rough idea.

But I'm not sure anything could've prepared me for that room.

It reminds me immediately of the treehouse. A room splattered floor to ceiling in blood, except this time, the walls are dripping with fresh crimson streaks. Especially bad on one side, much like the treehouse was, with two recognisable figures fighting within it.

Sapnap has Fundy pinned to one of the walls, blood dripping from his face with a dagger aimed at his throat. The crowd erupt into a mix of yelling and screaming, and the sheer volume of it all is almost enough to disorient me. I clasp my hands over my ears, gritting my teeth and trying my hardest to keep my eyes open to watch the scene at hand.

"Nick!" I hear yelled among the crowd, and I see Karl pushing his way through the mess of people. He tries to grab hold of Sapnap, who is too preoccupied with the fight to notice him at first.

And by the time he does, Karl is between him and Fundy, and the last swing of his sword has collided with the wrong person.


-Techno's POV-

I follow the sound of screaming through the halls, wondering what could've happened to cause such a disruption in the time since I left. At first I almost ignored it, too occupied with the voices of them that forced me to leave the room in the first place. They seemed to like the sound of carnage, appreciate the yelling like any normal person would do music.

Then everything stopped suddenly.

The sudden emptiness is so uncanny it's as if on cue, the mysterious drop to silence almost uniform as soon as both sides halt. Now the only sound to fill the room is a pained scream, spurring me to run faster.

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