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Steve, Michaela and Sam arrived outside the chamber. Red emergency lights flashed all around. There were numerous agents slumped on the floor. All of them were out cold.

"Help me," Zemo begged. "Help."

Steve and Michaela found Zemo in a heap inside the chamber and ordered, "Get up." Steve grabbed Zemo and shoved him against the wall while Michaela balled a fist. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"To see an empire fall."

As Sam entered, Bucky swung his fist which smashed through the wall and Sam ducked. Bucky grabbed him by the jaw and threw him at the open pod. Steve and Michaela lurched into the fight and landed a punch which Bucky barely felt. Bucky kicked and punched Steve and Michaela out of the chamber. A punch from Bucky went through the elevator door. Steve blocked the next one, pushing Michaela back, but the power of Bucky's fist sent Steve tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft.

Sam came around and spotted Zemo looking down the elevator shaft.

A Man on PA #1 said, "Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert. Ich wiederhole: Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert."

(The east wing is compromised. I repeat: the east wing is compromised.)

"Hey," Sam called.

Zemo bolted and Sam rose. At the bottom of the shaft, Steve pushed himself off the floor.


"Evac all citizens," Secretary Ross ordered. "Get me a perimeter around the building and gunships in the air."

"Please tell me you brought a suit," Natasha said.

"Sure did," Tony replied. "It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button. I'm an active-duty non-combatant."

"Follow me," Sharon instructed, running past Tony and Natasha.

Sam chased Zemo up a stairwell.

Steve started climbing the elevator shaft. At the top, Michaela was waiting for him.

Bucky stalked through the building's ground floor. He battered two guards. With tech-glasses, Tony took cover behind a pillar.

Natasha said over the radio, "We're in position."

Tony tapped a wrist-control which became his Iron Man-glove. He zapped Bucky with a stun-burst before he could shoot a guard. Tony rushed him, firing again. Bucky ducked the blast, then traded blows with Tony, firing the gun. Tony had the Iron Man-glove over the barrel, blocking the bullet. He pulled the gun barrel loose then Bucky smacked him backwards. Sharon rushed Bucky, then Natasha rushed Bucky. They both landed kicks and punches, then Bucky flipped Sharon head over heels. She smashed onto a table and Natasha leapt on Bucky, legs around his neck. He slammed her onto another table and grabbed her throat.

"You could at least recognize me," Natasha managed to say.

T'Challa came from nowhere and kicked Bucky off Natasha who gasped for air. He fought with Bucky, landing lightning fast kicks and some punches. Bucky got a counter punch in and T'Challa fell, but quickly recovered. Bucky hurried up some stairs. T'Challa leapt the levels and vaulted a railing, landing in front of Bucky. Limber T'Challa spin-kicked and grabbed Bucky's metal arm which he tried to twist then looked worried as he realized it wasn't going to work. He threw Bucky backwards and kept hold as they both tumbled down the stairs. They resumed fighting on the small landing and a leg sweep sent Bucky over the railing. T'Challa leapt down after him, but found the wide reception empty. He scanned around.

Outside, staff fled the building en masse. Sam was among them and quickly spotted something on the ground. He picked it up.

"Damn it," Sam muttered as he looked around the wide courtyard and scowled.

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