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A storm had begun out of the blue, rain pounding against the roof of the cabin as Ray adjusted the TV antennas

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A storm had begun out of the blue, rain pounding against the roof of the cabin as Ray adjusted the TV antennas. I was doubtful he'd get any signal, first because we were in the middle of nowhere, but also because of the weather.

After rendezvousing together god knows where, Montana and Trevor had returned to the cabin, and Rita had showed up too. Xavier wanted to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and no one else was opposed.

At least not openly. I sat back on the bed with Chet, clutching his arm in my two hands and resting my chin on his shoulder. Both of us weren't super interested in watching, for different but almost similar reasons.

I knew Tommy'd be on TV, and I was still reeling from our recent conversations, and as for Chet- I think his wounds were still healing after being kicked off.

"Yes. They're replaying it." Xavier relieved, "Stop! There."

Ray'd finally adjusted the antennas is a position watchable enough. The television hummed, and I caught myself staring at the stadium they were showing on TV.

"This sucks." Chet detested out loud, causing me to glance into my lap, "Best athletes in the world in one place, and I'm missing it. I should be in the Parade of Nations." He stated.

I sighed, part of me wishing he'd gotten to live his dream, but remembering he probably deserved to get kicked off. He did do those steroids.

Rita chuckled sarcastically, "You know what you're actually missing? The fuck fest. Athletes are skanks."

I glared at Rita, lacing my finger's with Chet's so she'd see. She was right, the Olympics could be one big hookup at times- But the boy knew better than to ever cheat on me.

"Sounds like heaven to me." Trevor commented.

Brooke grinned and turned around in her seat to face Chet and I, "I heard the male athletes outnumber the females five to one. That's some tough competition." She said happily.

I went to smile back at her, but Chet suddenly unlaced our fingers, moving to crush the van in his hands instead.

"What the fuck would you know about it?" He asked harshly.


"Hey," I warned pulling away and glaring. I punched his leg in hopes he'd calm the fuck down.

"Dude, shut up already. She was just trying to help. You're being a dick." Ray informed, the rest of us silently agreeing.

He stood up slowly, "Fuck you!" He exclaimed, tossing the crushed metal in Ray's direction.

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