April 2021

30 3 1

1. "Of course, he's white that's why he's not looking at me"

2. "who wants a horny plant?"

3. "A little do do do"

4. “take a swig of water”

5. “say you are my baka”

6. "An iron axe.. yeah that's what it's called"

7. "Send any questions, I'll answer them.. except the ones I won't answer"

8."A horny coral block? Oh wait that's a horn coral block"

9. "To all the Ranboos watching-"

10. "people get mad at people"


12. "I'm going to fist you 😌"

13. "G o o d n e s s  m e"

14. "dontbesadwe'regonnaburnalotofpeopleitllbefun and roooob"

15. “why are the children after my bOotY?”

16. "Chpow"

17. " give them a quick booty smackin "

18. “They might like that”

19. "it was worth it to give him a quick booty smackin"

20. "how I blasted your heart"

21. "yummy special things!"

22. "How's your bay deen?"

23. "I dont scream too much"

24. “Let’s eat some food so we don’t die”

25. "it's only beautiful if it's burning, that's why they call it hot"

26. "I get to kill skeletons for content! And I get to kill you for content!"

27. "Oh it was you, you're not fall damage. We'll name you fall damage"

28. “is that gus?" *gets hit*

29. "you can't just hit me once and then leave"

30. "Sir, that is not nice, ow! Now I am on fire, look what you did!"

31. "he knicked me in the booty"

32. "goodness me, someone smacked me in the booty"

33. "my favourite mob? Me."

34. "Hopefully they make up or something. Or they can make OUT. No I'm kidding"

35. "The way your tooth smells your hair"

36. “Breed breed breed”

37. "come 'ere baby boy, gimme your emeralds"

38. “Breed with these mmh mmh yeah”

39. "apperantley there's some cute lady who we need to kill for gold"

40. "giving a good ol' woopin!"

41. "sir, sir, just die please!"

42. "WE'RE GONNA DO IT! THIS IS THE GAME, THIS IS THE GAME!" *dies* *silence* "Okay."

43. “Big lady big lady”

44. "after she is gone, she will be ours. After she is no more, she will be my bride."

45. "shoot me with an arrow"

46. "c'mon let me defeat youuu"

47. "right ladies? Oh you again.."

48. "Oh it's you again.. I want the bull back"

49. "oohhh.. I'm getting cornered"

50. "the only thing that can be smoking is the smoking hot twins"

51. "oh I love when you shoot seeds... platonically"

52. “We’re dating but, I just don’t want to deal with you”

53. "Heyyy so I heard you like breaking jobs. Breaking jaws."

54. "yes! yes! you're a disappointment."

55. "That lasted as long as-- as long as my confidence :(("

56. "I don't know why I keep saying yummy when I'm describing something"

57. "That's why you're suicidal -- you have a sword"

58. "I'll do anything except anything, I'll do everything except everything"

59. "I live in a minecraft world, that's where I live, just to you guys let know"

60. "The ocean is terrifying? Not if you love Crivvy!"

61. "Holy bajesus! I'm just gonna drown myself"

62. "Let's pick up the saplings! The SapNaplings!"

63. "Hey girl you lookin' like a dream ;) Not you- Not you, don't shoot me with your cupid arrows!"

64. "Oh of course it was taken, there's a big poo poo pillar in the way"

65. "oh sir you wanna sleep together? mmm.. oh sir you don't need to step on my face--"

66. "guys I'm gonna throw the poop at them-- wait that's not the poop--sir give that back!"

67. "'Crivvy why do you kill pigs?' because Technoblade that's why"

68. "Nonono don't kill me don't do that, ahaha don't kill me you're too sexy"

69. "we have been a certain revolution around the sun"

70. "love me, love me, yEs... love me, love me, n0 :("

71. "Who me? Not me, I'm just a block game guy!"

72. "listen if you want to flirt with me, do not hit me in the booty, I do not like that"

73. "Let's go to the parkkk on Tuesdayyy---what am I saying?"

74. ''i like chickens'' *kills chickens*

75. "it's cutting through it like butter"

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