Chapter 7

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"Fuck." Geo curses himself as he sees Ryan's unconscious body still sprawled out on the floor. He paces in and out of his room in frustration because Ryan still wasn't moving. As he paced the scent of blood would flood in to his nostrils. The smell being a reminder of his past, in a way he loved the smell. It accelerated his heart rate and made his adrenaline run wild. But he knew this blood was coming from his best friend and he loathed himself for doing what he just did to Ryan even though they tend to have fist fights from time to time.

Kneeling down next to Ryan, Geo turned him on his side patting his back and sticking his thumb in his mouth so he didn't swallow his tongue. Ryan's eyes open darting back and forth to scan the room. "I'm sorry." Geo repeats over and over again. After a few more moments of Geo patting his back Ryan turns his head looking directly in his eyes.

"You got me good." Ryan licks his lips tasting the blood. "I had no idea where I was." He keels over coughing a few times.

"I know I'm in the wrong and fought you anyway. I am so incredibly sorry." Geo apologizes and loops an arm around Ryan's waist helping him stand up.

"It's alright man, I know who you are."

"Let me take you to the hospital." Geo holds his hand on Ryan's abdomen keeping him in place.

"Can you help me to my room and get me an ice pack instead?" Ryan starts walking towards his room Geo still having a tight hold on him. Geo would never admit it but he cared for Ryan more than he cared for his own family.

"Anything." As soon as Ryan sat down on his bed, Geo ran to the fridge getting him an ice pack. "It's never gotten this bad before." Geo admits looking down at Ryan's puffy bloody face.

"You were fighting for an actually reason this time. Finally passionate about something." Ryan peels his eyes up to Geo, his face filled with sorrow and confusion. "Answer me honestly." Geo cocks his head to the side interested in what his best friend has to say. "Do you love her?"

"Yes." Geo says instantly.

"Not like that." Ryan shakes his head. "Are you in love with her."

"I just said yes." With that Geo turns around walking out of the apartment. As Geo goes to open his car Colby and Athena come strolling out of the house. Clearly Colby was smiling at her with sexual intent as they laughed together. He tried not to pay attention to them as they walked past but Athena couldn't help herself.

"Hey Geo where are you going its late?" Athena says and checks the time on her phone.

"Come on baby he's fine." Colby tries pulling her along.

"Ryan and I got into a fight so I am taking a break." Geo looks over the roof of the car into Athena's eyes and is brought back to last night when he stared into them while railing her. A smirk playing at the corners of his lips and Athena can't help but grin back.

"I'll be back later Colby." Athena announces as she opens the car door, ducking down before plopping on to the leather seat next to Geo.

"Are you kidding me?" Colby smacks his forehead knowing he wasn't going to get any tonight. Which he was super pissed about because it had been so long since him and Athena had had sex.

"He knows." Geo confesses and Athena turns her whole body towards him smacking at his shoulder with both of her hands. A loud thawking sound resonates though the car as Geo tightens his muscles and flinches away from her even though she is still smacking him. "Stop." He says but she keeps hitting him letting all her frustration out. "Stop." Finally snapping at her and Athena instantly got a taste of his angry side.

"Why did you tell him?" Athena sits with her arms crossed, avoiding looking at Geo even though that's all she ever wants to do.

"I didn't, what you said about coming with me to the bar was enough for him to put two and two together."

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