Unravel my memories

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Normal P.O.V

A thick coat of ice inhabited the Fairy Tail guild hall. It was quiet. Not any ordinary quiet time. But the time of quiet of which they reminisced in the memories of their beloved Celestial mage. Deceased Celestial mage.

☆flashback start☆

"Natsu look out!"
An orb of jagged midnight engulfed the remainders of her life.
He frantically punched the orb into pieces until he saw his team mate lying there dyed in vermillion.
"Natsu....." she coughed out crimson "are..you. ...O - kay? "
"LUSHEEEEE! " a hysterical blue exceed hugged her with all of his emotion.
Tears of a fire dragon slayer stained the ground.
"Don't cry Natsu....."
"Why would you risk you're life like that?!" He cried, hands shaking.
"You're. ...my best friend....you've saved me so many times.....I - I had to save yours too....."
"Lusheeeee. .....Don't sleep on me..... remember my fish! Our promise?" Exceed's eyes fueled with fear.
"So sleepy...."
☆flashback end☆

Natsu P.O.V

I loved you.....

Why did you leave me alone......

I couldn't tell you how...I felt......

I punched the wall with what was left of my will power


And show how much I love you......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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