A choice, but a true one?

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She wanted it too but from somewhere deep inside came the words, "No, Giancarlo. Not here."

        He stopped, and lifted his head over hers. "This is meant to be, Carina. Don't deny what your body is begging for."

        "No!" she said, this time with more conviction.

        He rolled off her, puzzlement showing in his eyes which she could see by the light of the crescent moon. Propping his head up with his hand he said, "Why, my little one? You were enjoying it I am sure."

        "Because. . . .because," she said, struggling to find the words. "Because I have no commitment to you nor you to me."

        "Are you not going to become my bride?"

        "Your bride? You have said nothing to me of marriage."

        "I'm sorry. I should have. I spoke with your father and he is pleased. I want to sanctify our wedding before the bishop at the cathedral. And then celebrate it with all your kinsmen who can come, as well as all the people of Nice. They will honor you. You will be their countess and will be loved far more than I ever was. Not that I wanted adulation. I am at heart only a soldier, but you will be their queen."

        Carina raised herself on one elbow the better to see Giancarlo's face. "And when were you going to ask me?"

        "In all honesty I have been waiting with hope the Saracens would be defeated by Duke Odo or Karl, king of Francia. Then it will be safe for us to celebrate without fear and for your people to join us in Nice."

        "And just now you were wanting to take me, such that I could become with child? Maybe even throwing up with morning sickness before all those people?"

        "It doesn't happen every time."

        "That's what Bianca, my spinner's sister probably thought when she became pregnant before her wedding. Many of us knew of it then and hers was only a small peasant wedding."

        Giancarlo lifted his hands in the air. "What can I say? You don't know how ravishing you are. Though I am a count, I am still only a man. Will you marry me?"

        She leaned toward him and planted a chaste kiss on his lips. Withdrawing slightly, she gazed into his eyes, the question he asked still waiting an answer. "Yes."

         Later in the evening, she thought about what she had done. She had finally agreed to marriage, with a count, no less. All the uncertainty of her future was over. That is, if the Saracens were defeated. It pleased her that even though she would live in Nice with Giancarlo,  she would often be able to see her father, her brothers, and all the others she cared about. There would be an armed guard to escort her. And she hoped her family would come to Nice as well.

        On horseback it was not a great distance. She would take them to the Mediterranean to lay on its warm beaches and swim in its sparkling water. She would make her father and brothers beautiful garments of silk and finest wool in wonderful colors and buy them handsome boots and rakish hats. These were only a few of the things she would do with Giancarlo's wealth. She would find others.

        She was happy thinking about these things as she prepared for bed. One unbidden thought came to her, impinging on her joy—Uberto. She would never kiss him again, and worse, she would one day see him in the arms of someone else. She thought of his music, and knew she would miss his heartfelt way of joining the sounds of his instrument with the sentiment in his voice.

        She considered, he could play for us in Nice, but on  second thought knew it wouldn't be the same. Already she was becoming caught up in thoughts of the prominence and affluence of being a countess. One thing she didn't know. Was she being true to her heart?

Dear readers, I know this is short, but the next part is better on its own. It will be added soon. Can't tell you now how this is going to play out--it would give the story and surprises away. Don't give up on Uberto. He is definitely not out of the picture.  Thank you for all your reads and your votes.

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