Chapter 5

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Dean POV

I walked backstage on the gorilla, waiting for my match with Heath slayer to start. Roman was still in the back of my mind, I mean why do we have to fight so much why can't we go back to old times. Oh that's right I ruined it by being gay, I lost both of my closest friends. Heath soon arrived and his music was the first to play, Heath walked out and the fans started to boo'd instantly. I started jumping up and down its time to get crazy, I felt kind of bad for Heath because I was angry and I was going into this match to hurt someone, this match was my way of taking out my anger. I walked out and the fans started screaming, I still can't believe they cheer for a guy like me. I got in the ring and before the ref could even ring the bell, I attacked Heath. I was beating the crap out of him, I dont know I was just so angry I couldn't control myself. Soon the ref broke us a part and was able to signal the time keeper to ring the bell. The match was not one of the best I've had, but certainly not the worst. People don't realize it but Heath is actually a pretty good wrestler, he just can't win matches. It was about half way through the match and it was going in my favor. I was on the top rope, when I heard that music and I knew he was coming out. I'd know that music anywhere, it was our music just slightly modified. Of course I was right, I didn't even have to look I heard all the fans yell and I knew Roman was coming. I watched as he came down the stairs, the memories of The Shield came floating in, I pushed them to the side and focused on my match. I jumped off the top rope to deliver a elbow on Heath but he countered and hit me with a drop kick instead. I slowly got up to my feet and Heath was coming at me, so I did what I do best and gave him a massive clothesline. I set Heath for dirty deeds and Roman started cheering, it threw me off and allowed Heath to capitalize by dropping my on the back of my head. Heath got on the top rope and I laid on the mat, playing like I was injured. He jumped and I put my knees up hitting him in the gut, I picked him up and set him up for dirty deeds. I stared at Roman as I delivered dirty deeds, hoping he'd get the warning. I pinned Heath

3 ..... "Ring the bell." The win didn't come to much as a shock to me, what shocked me is when I turned around and saw Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kame all in the ring in front of me. I knew I wasn't going to win this, but I sure as hell was going down fighting. I attacked Seth, while  Randy and Kane punched and kicked me trying to pry me off of Seth. I knew it wouldn't take long for The Authority to get the upper hand, so I was going to get in as many hits as a could. A couple seconds later I felt less punches and kicks, until eventually I felt none at all. Randy and Kane manage to pull Seth out of my grasp as they made their way back to Stephanie and Hunter. I limped to me feet and felt arms wrap around me to help me up, I looked to the side to see Roman. Oh wow, just great I thought to myself. I was going to pull away but then I remembered fans still see us as friends, as brothers. Roman helped me back stage and as soon as we reached the gorilla I pushed him off me.

"Thanks." I said before leaving, I could barely walk though. I did my cripple walk down the hall and spoon met up with Jimmy and Jey who helped me too the dress room.

"Man they really got you good uce." Jimmy said. I nodded my head "yes"

"Well it's a good thing Roman was there or they could've hurt you worst." Jey said

"Yeah, whatever I don't need his help I would rather get bet up everyday than ask Roman to help me." I said. Jimmy and Jey looked at each other, and then started typing on there phones

"What?" I asked, wanting to be in on the secret too.

"Nothing." They said at the same time, I growled at them and sat with my arms cross and pouted. They looked up from there phones and laughed at me.

"Dean go take a shower your meeting us in our hotel room in 25 minutes." They said standing up

"But I don't want too." I whined

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