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"I can confirm that twelve-foot puma mountain-lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition." Sheriff Forbes announced, speaking into a microphone for the Channel 9 WPKW news.

"To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught." Logan Fell continued, seeing as though he was the reporter on the scene.

"Scum ball...scum bucket," Jenna angrily muttered, staring at the television. Elena and I exchanged confused glances as we entered the kitchen.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"Him," Jenna replied, nodding toward the television with her head.

Elena arched a brow before asking: "The news guy?"

"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you guys why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna asked, not breaking eye-contact with the television.

Elena and I started chuckling, "Oh, no way. You and him?" I asked, before studying Logan Fell on the screen. "He's cute."

"He's not cute. There's nothing cute about him." Jenna replied, and defensively shut the television off. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.

I looked over at Elena to see her cleaning something, Jenna must have noticed it too, because she looked intrigued.

"What are you doing with that?" Jenna asked Elena.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood that she would loan it to the Founder's Council for their heritage display." Elena explained, polishing a piece of gold that had been molded into something long and skinny.

Jenna pursed her lips, reaching into the small box in front of Elena and pulled a ring out. She examined the ring before asking: "Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?"

"Originally, it was Great-Great-Grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena corrected. I suddenly felt a breeze of someone walking behind me, I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Jeremy.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth, like, on eBay?" Jeremy asked, inspecting something that he had grabbed out of the box.

I scoffed and shook my head slightly. Elena snatched the object out of Jeremy's hand and placed it back in the box. "You're not going to find out." Elena said bitterly.

"That stuff is Mom and Dad's. You can't just give it away." Jeremy replied, walking toward the fridge and opening it.

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena assured our younger brother.

The doorbell suddenly rang out loudly through the house. Elena grinned to herself, stood up from the table eagerly and strode quickly to the door and answered it. I rolled myself, knowing it was Stefan at the door, and decided to make myself a cup of coffee.

Around noon, I heard the doorbell ring as I was walking down the stairs. Since I was closest to the door, I decided to answer it - to be polite and not make Elena get it, who was in the kitchen.

I opened it, and revealed Tyler Lockwood standing on the porch. I rolled my eyes and tried to slam it in his face, but before I could complete the slam, he stopped the door with his hand.

"Look, I'm sorry about the other night." Tyler said, looking down, not being able to make proper eye-contact with me.

I clenched my jaw before saying: "Whatever. I know you that you didn't come out of your way to apologize. Now, why are you really here?"

"I'm here for my Mom. Supposed to pick up a box-"

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