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*Nobody pov*
It was next day and all of them were at school. It was April 27th. It was the getting ready for the party day. They all agreed to go to the mall once more this week.

Karl and George took care of snacks, Dream and Sap went to get party products. After an hour Karl and George were waiting for them at the car, but Sap and Dream were nowhere to be seen.

"Gah dayum- where the hell are they?" George whined. "Yeah where- we were suppost to meet them here at 5:30pm and they aren't even here-" Karl whined too. "WERE HERE!" Sapnap came running with 3 bags in his hands, Dream followed running behind. Dream unlocked the door and Karl and George got it.

The bags were put in the back of the car behind Karls and Georges head. They were driving back to Dreams house where the party will be hosted.

"Okay then lets get ready for the party?" Sapnap asked. All of them picked some decorations that they wanted to decorate. Everyone decorated some rooms, made some drinks.

*When the party started*
The party started couple hours later. Some people were dancing, singing, drinking, eating. Karl was sitting on the couch drinking monster, while Dream, Sapnap and George were nowhere to be seen.

Karl stayed there for an hour almost. He drank all his drink and just went on his phone. Someone closed his eyes with its hands.
"Guess who~" A drunked voice to be heard. Karl giggled " Is it Sapnap?" "Woww, got me really quick huh? Cmon lets dance" Sapnap pulled karl onto the floor where everyone was dancing.

Karl wasn't a big fan of dancing, but he still did it for Sapnap. They danced together, they were enyoing every moment of that dance. Later they thought they will go outside and do star gazing.

They went outside and layed down. The music was heard a lot quiet. They werent talking they were just looking at the stars.

"It's beautifull isn't it?" Karl asked. Sapnap nodded in response. "Y'know, I don't know where I would be right now without Dream, George and mostly you" Sapnap said. Karl turned to Sapnap. "I think you would still be at this party, I mean its big, it has almost the whole school doesn't it?" Sapnap nodded.

"Alright then" Sapnap stood up but started wobbling. "Well I think you drunk too much today" Karl giggled. "No no I'm fine don't worry sweetie" Sapnap said walking away.

sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. Thats all Karls mind was on right now. He called him a sweetie. Karl was found blushing at the spot.

Karl put Sapnaps hand on his shoulder. Karl put him in his car and drove to Karls place. Karl didn't have a license so he was driving illegally. Gladly there wasn't any cops around so he was good.

Karl picked Sapnap up and went to his back yard. Sapnap woke up and climbed the ladder leading to Karls room. After Sapnap climbed Karl went up behind him.

When Karl got in his room, he saw Sapnap laying on his bed passed out to sleep. Karl smiled and removed Sapnaps jeans. Karl went into the bathroom and changed into his pjs.

After Karl got out, Karl picked Sapnap up to his pillow and let him peacefully sleep. Karl fell asleep not so long after.

*Time skip: Next morning*
Sapnap was the one who woke up first. His head was pounding but he didn't care. He only cared about small figure in his arms which was Karl. He brushed his fingers through Karl hair and watching him sleep.

It was quite silent at Karls house which was very strange. Sapnap shook it off and went to gaze at Karls face.

Around 2 hours later Karl woke up. It was 8:31am. He opened his eyes and saw Sapnap staring at him. Karl hid his face under the blankets.

"Awh theres nothing to be embarrassed about" Sapnap pouted. Karl just whined under the sheets. Sapnap giggled in response. Karl gor up and went to change. "I put ur jeans on my chair by the way" Karl said after he went into the bathroom.

"YOU TOOK OFF MY JEANS?" Sapnap was surprised. He could hear Karl laughing in the bathroom. He got up and put on his jeans and waited for Karl to get out.

Karl got out and went to the kitchen. His parents weren't there which was quite surprising. Karl made some sandwiches for him and Sapnap.

They both sat down, watching the TV and eating they're sandwiches. "How do you think Dream managed the drinks?" Sapnap asked. "Apparently he fucked George" Karl said calmly, but Sapnap just choked on his piece of sandwhich.

"Are you okay?!" Karl was worried. "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" Sapnap answered. Karl sat and ate his sandwiches. "So they really did it huh?" Sapnap said. Karl was confused, he thought they already did it. "If you're thinking that they had done it already they haven't" Sapnap said.

"Well R.I.P Georges a$$ I guess?" Karl said. Sapnap laughed. Karl giggled.

"When are we gunna do that?" Sapnap mumbled. "What?"Karl asked. "Nothing don't mind me" Sapnap asked. "Alrighty" Karl went back to eating his sandwiches


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