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After we all hopped in the car and on our way to the most amazing party we were driving and the view wasnt good enough for me so i rolled down the window and inhaled the crisp, fresh air. The wonderful smell of pine filled my nose and I inhaled deeply. I closed my eyes trying to think what to say to my boyfriend...... hopefully soon to be husband in a few years. For the sight reminded me of the first day of kindergarten when Chelsea and I met on september 2002. From the beginning, our friendship was a source of true strengh getting through difficult times and began moving forward with heartbreaks and whatever life gives us. Chelsea and I are just alike we met the love of our lives on the same day and we are still with them after two almost three years. The car stopped and I snapped

out of my daydream and Logan said " were finally here the most amazing house in town" I hopped out of the car anxiously to go in the house and party! I grabbed Logans hand and gave him a quick kiss and went in the house we went in and the music was blasting and all of a sudden everyone was starring at us i was creeped!

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