'I had with you! You and your rotten tricks can go to hell!' I shouted and yelled out curses at Gabriel. The patience I built up to constrain myself from making stupid mistakes has worn off. No one, and I mean absolutely no human being, can bear Gabriel's malice and meanness.
'Now, there is no need to shout out insults in my way." I warned you about such consequences. Not budging from stubbornness and admitting his mistakes, Gabriel spoke plainly without any ounce of remorse.
'Screw your ridiculous consequence! I hate you. Just looking at your dumb face makes me want to puke.'
'Safina, relax. Don't do anything that you will regret later.
'I'll show you what regret tastes like, you piece of sh*t."
Fuming with uncontrollable anger, I stormed into the kitchen to get away from him. If my eyes land on Gabriel again, who knows what I will unleash on this planet? I am not kidding at all. Not only does he make my blood sing with lust, but he also makes me rip out chunks of hair in rage. The worst part is that my vision has become blurry, and every limb in my body has begun to tremble.
'Safina? Are you alright? What are you doing there? Gabriel's voice traveled into the kitchen, and I had to bite painfully hard on my lower lips to stop responding to that wretched creature.
Upon entering, I noticed he removed his black leather jacket and stood in a white t-shirt, which happens to hug his muscular upper body perfectly. Even his denim jeans cause my mind to commit unforgivable lustful sins, which I am sure will damn me to hell. Coming back to my senses, I shook myself out of the fantasy and avoided my eager eyes wandering off toward the handsome devil.
Walking into the room, Gabriel tried to hold my shoulder, but I jerked away and maintained a good amount of distance between us.
'Go away!'
'Fins, I apologize for tricking you. Please understand that this is for your good.' Did he use those words? This man dares to demean my value as well as order me to blindly trust him with no questions asked. He dearly mistook me for some obedient slave. I belong to no one, and I will fight tooth and nail for my freedom.
'Who are you to decide for me?"
'Fins, come on." Drop the anger.
'I asked you to leave." Don't force me to repeat myself.
'Safina – '
Clutching a handful of plates stacked nicely on the shelf, I started rapidly throwing them at me, regardless of which direction they went.
'What the fuck?" "Are you crazy?"
'Yes! You are the reason why!
All the memories came flooding back, reminding me of his abusive treatment of me. It didn't help my case as the line became fuzzy and every memory became entangled. Soon, my ex-boyfriend's ill-treatment was merged with Gabriel's, and I lost myself in overwhelming emotions. Grabbing whatever came into my hand, I continuously kept tossing blindly, not caring where or with whom it landed.
'For the sake of Heaven, Safina stopped it. You are hurting yourself.' Grabbing me from behind, he locked my arms and carried me out of the kitchen. Gently pushing against the wall of the hall, Gabriel let go of my body and left me reminiscing in my misery.
I was entirely lost and felt completely numb. Someone placed a wet washcloth on my hand; I no longer had any fire with me to fight that person.
'It is alright now. You are bleeding in some places. Here, take this washcloth and clean the blood from your mouth while I bandage your hands.' Gabriel instructed in a faraway tone, or maybe I was stuck in a trance and had no way out.
I took the cloth quietly and did what was asked of me. It is hard to describe what exactly I am feeling except that clouds of loneliness and sadness are looming over me. I had a weakness for keeping all my feelings, whether nice or disappointing, buried deep in my mind. I was never able to connect with anyone on a physical, emotional, or mental level. People who came and went in my life blamed my anger but never considered my feelings. Many used me for their pleasure and later tossed me away like trash. A series of abuses inflicted on me left me crippled with fear and incurable anger.
Lifting my eyes, I saw a pair of amazing green eyes watching my face intently and felt like they were penetrating deep into my wounded soul. The courage left me, and I began sobbing irrepressibly under his stare. Two strong hands wrapped around me; soon I let go of my resistance and allowed myself to be vulnerable in my blackmailer's protective arms.
I didn't know how long we were sitting there—maybe a few seconds or hours—and neither of us moved from that position. It felt like we were in our safety bubble or on our planet. I know it may sound nuts, but this is pretty much how I feel now. The soft beatings of his heart against my ears soothe and drain away every single one of my worries and nightmares.
'Safina?' With Gabriel's chin resting over my head, he called my name softly in his hypnotic tone.
'Yes?' Even though I was helpless against his voice, no matter what I was feeling, when he spoke, my body immediately responded to him.
'Are you alright?' He inquires calmly, terrified that I might throw some more plates at him or cry my eyes out. Neither option is pretty to witness.
'Yes. Thank you.' And I meant it. Gabriel is many things; however, he stuck around and managed my volatile emotions extremely well. Normally anyone in his situation certainly would run off and leave behind a human-sized shape at my door.
'Anytime, Fins.'
I grinned stupidly when he referred to me endearingly. Oh! I am falling hard and fast for Gabriel Slade. These warm and fuzzy feelings bubble up in my core. I wish they could stay forever, but you know there is no such thing as happily ever after. Gabriel's body shifted and stood up gracefully, showing off his glorious, tempting body. He gave me his hand and rewarded me with Gabriel's signature smirk. There will always be something about Gabriel that will leave me astounded and drowning in drool.
Taking his hand, Gabriel, in one swift move, pulled me against him and wrapped his burly arms around my hungry body. Dazed by his undivided attention, I blushed and bit my lips to control the smile that threatened to take over my stunned face.
Gabriel, undisturbed by drastic mood changes, withdraws his cell phone from his jeans pocket, and this time I didn't have to wait for an answer.

The Fire Within (Ongoing)
Teen FictionSeeing him standing around six foot tall in front of me, eyeing me from top to bottom with a blank expression on his perfectly scultped face. I slapped him hard but he didn't react just one tear flowed down from his beautiful dark green eyes. I did...