The Epilogue

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Hey sis it's me, Carlos.

It looks like Avô and Abuelo finally stopped arguing over whose turn it was to cut the grass down here, it looks neat so obviously Abuelo won and Abuela has obviously still not learnt that less is more when it comes to the flowers, it's a good job it wasn't flowers you were allergic to or you would be sneezing like crazy right now.

Yeah I know, trust the little brother to make a tasteless allergies joke but I know you well enough to know you'll find it funny

Do you know I turned 13 last week? Not as impressive as you turning 18 a few months ago I know but it's a big deal to me.

Papai finally let me get a paper round so I have money of my own now, even though he insists on walking it with me, maybe by the time I'm 30 he will let me leave the house on my own. Oh, I almost forgot, look at this. It's a silver guardian angel, I bought it for you with my first pay cheque, I say pay check but really it was just a few dollar bills. I'm going to leave it here in amongst the flowers so it can look after you the way you look after us.

Mom and dad are here with me, actually they are stood by the car holding hands and kissing as we speak, they're so disgustingly happy. They'll be over to speak to you soon, they have something to tell you but I'm sure you already know all about it.

Oh you'll never guess, Portugal won the World Cup! Avô was so happy he cried, Abuelo was so sore that México went out in the first round he almost cried too. Avô wore his Portugal top with your name on the back and Abuelo got a México one with mine on oh and Papai got a Portugal one with Mendes on and Mama got one with Cabello on, it was a good time, Avó and Abuela cooked like everyone was at risk of starving to death, I never saw so much food in my entire life, maybe that's why Mama is a bit bigger than she normally is because she ate sooo much and as always every thing we had was nut free, weird how no one other than you is allergic but we still check everything we buy.

Oh I forgot to tell you last time I was here but I got into a fight with this boy at my school Dale Dickson, he's a complete jerk. We were talking about our families and when I said I had a sister he said I was lying because he had never seen me with a girl. Miss. Lucas explained not all of our family members are here with us on earth sometimes our mothers or sisters or brothers are in heaven but that doesn't make them any less of a part of our family. He said sorry but I still made sure I tipped my water on him in lunch. You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for so he deserved it.

Oh mama says I run the same way you did when I'm playing soccer so that's one more thing we have in common, I swear we're almost like twins we're so similar but mama says you look more like her whilst I look more like the Mendes side of the family. Girls at school have started to want me to be their boyfriend so I guess that's one good thing about you not being   here with us physically , I don't have to hear boys ask you out and then fight them for trying it with my disinter. Mama says you would have had a few boyfriends by now because you are so beautiful but Papai said they would have had to go through him to get to you... they love you so much. We all do.

Sometimes I dream about you and you aren't 5 years old, your the age you are now and you talk to me, ask me what I have been up to, give me advice, I love those dreams, like just for a few moments you come down from heaven and sit with me.

Mama doesn't cry so much now and I know that will make you happy because she says you never liked to see anyone upset you would always try to make things better for them. I'm glad you managed to make our parents better again, can you believe when I was born they didn't even live in the same house?! I think you and I worked as a team back then to fix them, to fix our family

Anyways, here they come so I had better wrap it up. I want you to know that I love you and I'm proud to have you as my sister Elena, you're with us every day, not a second goes by that we don't think of you. Okay, they're almost here, I love you, see you next week


Thank you for reading this x

Also please check my conversations if you are a writer I have an idea for a story I hope someone will write x

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