October- The Shock

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I still remember every second of the day Camila told me she was pregnant with Elena, It was so ordinary but so extraordinarily at the same time

I woke up at 5am as I always did, kissed my wife and then headed to the shower, I had a busy day planned at work but we found time to make love before I headed back to the shower and then dressed before kissing her goodbye

I didn't know then how the day would end but I couldn't help but notice how well and healthy Camila looked, almost as though she was glowing, with hindsight I should have suspected something but I'm a guy and unless something is spelled out to me I'm pretty oblivious

At lunch time I received a selfie from Camila, she was smiling that wide, beautiful smile that drew me to her the very first second we met and was holding a gift wrapped box in her hand. Obviously I panicked, I checked birthdays, anniversaries, other people's birthdays, other people's anniversaries but couldn't find anything obvious that I had missed. I replied with a selfie of my confused face but that was the last I heard from her until I returned home from work that night


'Hey, where have you been?' I asked with concern

'Out and about' she wiggled her eyebrows mysteriously as I slipped my arms around her waist, slipping my hands down to cup her ass and pulling her to me

"What was in the box?' I asked it whilst peppering her neck with kisses, my hands stroking and squeezing my favourite part of my wife's anatomy

'Something' she teased before moaning in pleasure

'Something for me?'

'Something for us'

'Before or after the bedroom?' I ask whilst placing my lips on hers and walking us backwards towards the stairs

'After... obviously'


The sex had been us... as we always were, periods of hot and heavy followed by periods of slow and passionate, our words of love and adoration filling the humid air between us

My heart aches as I think about how we were then compared to how we are now. Then we were everything to each other and had everything to look forward to and now we are nothing, just shattered, broken versions of the people we had once been


'Come on then' Camila was lying with her cheek on my chest, listening to the way my heart raced for her as we both smiled liked idiots and wallowed in the afterglow


'The box' I knew she understood what I was talking about but for some reason she was avoiding it and that made my heart pound even more quickly beneath her cheek

"Are you sure you're ready for it?' She asked, her voice mischievous, taunting me about things she knew that I did not

'Any more ready and you'd be on your back' I said with a wink and a smirk as I indulged myself in the way she always giggled and blushed at my dirty mouth

'Okay but you have to get dressed'

'Well that's no fun'

'I can't give this to you naked, it's not right, even though you did give it to me naked in the first place'

My mind span as it tried to make sense of her words but before I could delve too deep she was on her feet and slipping my button down work shirt over her sleek frame

'You're so beautiful' I muttered not caring who heard it. She was my wife of just over a year, the love of my life for three years and everything that consumed my body and mind, she had a secret but I could tell she wanted to share it with me all I have to do was make myself more than available to hear it

She crawled off my body and headed to the foot of the bed and within seconds my body already missed her heat, the comfort and reassurance she gave to me.

Twisting around, she sat cross legged before me, her eyes blazing into mine as her fingers drilled rhythms into my thigh

'Camila?' I force her name from my lungs as she reached behind her and pulled out the blue box I recognise from earlier

'Can I open it?' She kept drilling her fingers into my skin as she nodded her head in agreement

The box was light and decorated in a shiny blue and white gift wrap. I shook it animatedly and she rolled her eyes but I noticed she looked unsure and eager to spare her any anguish, I slipped my fingers under the tape that sealed it and quickly unwrapped the paper

'Promise you'll like it' Camila begged

'If it's from you I'm guaranteed to love it' I had said to reassure her and I heard her release a deep breath.

In my hands lay a white rectangle shaped box, the lid of which appeared to just lift off

'Are you ready?' She asked as my interest sky rocketed at how intense she was making this gift giving. I nodded my head and lifted the lid and in the few seconds that followed an entire life I had barely known I wanted sparked into existence

A pregnancy test

A positive pregnancy test

A positive pregnancy test given to me by my pregnant wife

She cried, I cried, we hugged and laughed the happiness and hope of what was to follow lit a fire in our hearts of love, for each other, for our baby, for the life we were about to live together

And now our daughter is gone and I'm sitting on the same bed in the same room with the same wife and the same blue pregnancy test in my hand, a positive pregnancy test given to me by my pregnant wife and we are both crying just as we had all those years ago only this time they aren't tears of happiness they are tears of wretchedness and regret

"What did we do?" Whispers Camila between sobs as she snatches the pregnancy test back from my hands "What did we fuckin do Shawn?!"

* 2 chapters left so please vote and comment if you have made it this far x

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