firsr day in college

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Here we are! First day in London!! gosh!! the good thing is that i know all my professors well, maybe that will help me(?)
-okay, so my first class is...mmmm..oh..biology! I like that..!!
[group of boys was running and accidentally punched me]
"AGH cmoooon are you serious right now? Don't you have like -eyes- ?"- i asked them loudly.
There were 3 boys and only one of them apologized, blue eyes,blonde hair, prince i guess?
After classes my mentor asked me to stay after lecture because he had something to tell me.
"As i know, you're very responsible, Diana. We have very important student here who is starting his education this year too."-he said to me. I was puzzled, what he needs from me? To babysit?,-"He'll be here in a minute. You need to show him college territory and just help him to socialize.
"Okay,i'll be honoured! But who is he? Seems like very important student!"—i asked.
"Yes, as i sa-"-professor couldn't finish.
Door opens and HE walks in. The boy who apologized for his friends.
i said-"Is HE that important?!Who are these people with him?"
"Diana, let me introduce you to His Royal Highness Prince George of Wales."-professor said.
You can't imagine my face back then. Prince? Prince of England?Next king? My god i felt so embarrassed....
"Well hello...Diana, yes? We've already met today in a hall,haven't we?"-he said and i could see his smile..
" we have. You ran into me in the hallway with your friends, my shoulder still hurts by the way..!"-i said i bit aggressively but i remembered that i'm speaking to prince.
"Again..i'm sorry for my...they're not friends..just couple boys that i met earlier"-George said .
"Well it's seems like you  two have a lot to discuss"-said George's mentor,-"Miss Diana, His Majesty King William asked this college for a responsible , intelligent student to help his son deal with new place. We hope that you're like that."
"i'm honored to serve to His Majesty. But won't it be difficult for us to live a normal life while ,i sure, paparazzi are following George everything, and from now,me?-i asked.
"His Majesty signed a paper that is not allowing paparazzi follow you and him while HRH is studying here."-mentor answered.
I was standing there still shocked.Is that a dream? My mom won't believe best friend...
"Are you up for a coffe?"-prince asked me with smile on his face.
I was like his younger sister or...i don't know...he's so tall and i'm the opposite of this..!
"Yes, Your Royal Highness (?)"-i said that like i was out of words,-"I actually know the best place  down the London where we can get the best coffe!"
"Hey, call me George, we're not in front of cameras now..."-he said.
We went for a coffe. I still couldn't believe that. His mentor and guard left us, just told him he should be near Buckingham Palace before dark.

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