first walk toghether

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"Soo, you're Diana right?"-George asked me with curiosity.
"Yes,you've heard my name earlier, why are you asking?"-i laughed.
"Oh..well i need to make sure i'm right hahah..."-he said,-"actually my grandmother's name was Diana too, it's very meaningful name for our family..."
"yes i know...i'm sorry...for you and..and your father's loss.."-i was looking down at the ground.
He grabbed my shoulder and said,-"That's fine, i hadn't even known her...must be heartbreaking for my uncle and father.."
We were almost near my favourite coffe place.
"Gosh i've never seen London from this point of view...!"-he said with little shock.
"Really? That's sad!!! We're going to fix it trust me hahah!"-i laughed,-"I've been living here for couple weeks now  and already saw almost all town!"
George looked at me.
"You're not from here? I can hear your strange accent but i was afraid to ask...."-he said.
"Yeah..i'm from Russia, international student here , actually planning to get citizenship in a year !!"-i said,-"And..strange?! Come on like your accent is strange for me, and english isn't my first language."
George looked strange...he asaid-"Whoah! You know it pretty good! i'm impressed really...!"
"Oh really are?! Thank you Your Royal Highness for approval of my english language knowledge...! hahah"-i laughed,-"We're here , come on what's your favourite flavor?"
We bought coffe and went straight to Buckingham Palace so we can be as close as we can to that place. People were shocked to see prince walking down a street with a girl. I can understand them actually!
"So...why England?"-he asked curiously..
"Well i love it here, soo calm and beautiful... I always was interested in this country and it's history, so yeah..."-i answered.
"Oh here we are! Buckingham Palace...okay i promised my mom a photo in front of it, so...go ahead's my phone ,take photo of me haha"- i ran closer to Palace and George was standing there like a tourist who's trying to take photo of his crazy girlfriend...hahaha.
"Are you going to tell your mom that the pictures you've  sent her are taken by a prince on England?-he laughed and screamed that to me.
"She won't believe me so....hahah"-i was standing there and looking at him...trying to take photo of me while holding he's coffe...he's funny...i like him..!
He turned front camera on and took a selfie with him, me ,coffe and Buckingham palace behind us...what a guy!
"Well it seems like now ..she'll believe you hahah!"-he said to me with smile on his face.
"Okay you're the funniest person i've ever met!!!"-i laughed.
"And you ....actually the first person who behaves like normal person with me..thank you!I feel like i know you all my life ..but it's been like a couple hours..!-he grabbed my shoulder again...
I smiled..,-"You know why we have this connection? No? okaaaay so...I'm a Taurus and you're a Cancer ..and that's a perfect match!!"-i screamed...
George laughed..,-"Oh so you're into astrology? that's so cool , i mean....i'm bad at it,but maybe now you're going to be expert here now hahah"
"Deal!"- i said.
Next 30 minutes we were just listening to music, talking,and's seems like i found my person here...far away from home.
"You're alone here?"-he asked.
"Yes...i mean i'm fine, i call my best friend and mom every day!"-i said.
He looked me in the eyes...
"Hey...i can talk to my parents and maybe you can come over sometimes...we can study and just have fun...i'm sure Charlotte will LOVE you!!She always wanted a sister...."-he suggested.
"Gosh! You mean you'll ask a permission from King and Queen of England? I'm sure they will be against that idea..."-i said.
"Well they're my parents, and my mom knows i need company..what do i need company for if i have you? hahah"-he laughed
I had no words.
"Well of course you can ask them...they're your parents...text me later,here's my number.."-i gave  him my phone number.
" guard..i need to go, i'm going to text you! and by the way thank you for the best day ever, Di...bye!"
"Goodbye Your Royal Highness! See you tomorrow..."-i said to him and he walked away with his guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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