It Ended Sooner Than Expected

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No One's POV 

As soon as the three Night Lights could feel a small thump and could not hear any flap of wings, they poked their heads out of the bag to take a look at their surroundings. Turns out, the riders have landed on a small island with a few buildings in a clearing near them.

"Let's jump out and hide in that bush over there." Dart whispered. "On 3, 1, 2....." She looked around if anyone was nearby "3!" And they jumped out, as quietly as possible ran over to the bush, and hid inside it.

Some riders were walking and whispering but the Night Lights didn't understand their speech.

"So what do we do now?" Ruffruner asked. Pouncer paused for a second before answering. "How about we taste the air? There's got to be some scent of where he could be!" His siblings nodded in agreement and started tasting the air but all they could smell was a strange sweet smell coming from all around them.

"That isn't our dad's scent but it smells soooo good!" Dart frantically nodded her head in agreement with Pouncer's statement. "Let's follow it!" Pouncer suggested and they ran off before Ruffruner could stop them. "Oh come on!" He whined before running after them.

They arrived at a small clearing with strange green grass. As they explored the clearing, Dart suddenly collapsed, letting out a small cry for help before disappearing completely. "Dart!" Her brothers shouted before dashing after her, but before either of them could reach her both of them collapsed from an unknown source before blacking out completely.

Time skip..............

They woke up from someone nudging them and calling their names. "Dart! Pouncer! Ruffruner! Please kids, wake up!" They all awoke with a small groan and opened their eyes to see their dad's caring and worried eyes starring at them. Once Hiccup had seen they were all awake, a big wave of relief washed over him. "Oh thank Thor you are alright!"

"Dad? Where are we?" Dart slowly stood up before collapsing on her back legs to sit down. "The hunters, they got me and it looks like you too." That's when the three Night Lights took in their surroundings. They were in a brown wood sort of cave, with green metal bars at one of the walls. What was more disturbing then that were chains. 1 chain was attached from each corner of the cage leading to Hiccup's legs. 

That's when they noticed a brown muzzle around his head and a few chains around his wings. "Why are there ropes around your wings and why are we in a brown cave?" Pouncer walked over to his dad who sighed. "The hunters got me while I was out helping your mom, but that is not the time, I have a plan to escape." His kids perked up their ears to listen to his plan. 

"I can't fly, but Dart, you are close to flying. I was hoping you wouldn't have to learn how to fly so early but we have no other choice." Hiccup looked at his daughter, who had a determined look. "Ok dad! What should I do?"  Hiccup came sat down next to her brothers. "First, get into the take off position I showed you earlier." 

Dart bent down, and spread her wings and tail fins. "Good, now it's important to push yourself off the ground hard so you can get a bit of the wind and start flapping your wings." Her dad instructed and she pushed herself off  the ground while flapping her wings. "Open your eyes sweet heart" 

Dart didn't even realize she had closed them, but as soon as she opened her eyes, she was amazed to see herself above the ground close to the roof of the strange brown cave. She was so amazed at her new abilities that she didn't notice how close she was to the ceiling and bumped her head at the wooden roof, and fell down. "That's a start!" Hiccup congratulated and her brothers clapped with their wings. (I do want to point out at my own writing that  Dart, a hatchling, just fell down and Hiccup just says that it is a start)

For the next few hours, Dart has been practicing basic flying techniques and controlling her tail fins. A guard has passed by a few times, and they almost got caught once, but the rest was going fine. Soon, she was ready to fly out of the small window with metal bars. It was enough for her to escape, but not big enough for her dad, and her brothers were too small to fly. 

Little did she know, that her two brothers also had a plan. 

"Ok, you ready? Once you escape, don't make a sound. Use your surroundings and don't start any fights. There is an island North from here, and they raise baby Razorwhips. They will help you." Hiccup checked if Dart was ready. "Don't worry dad, I will be fine." She looked into her father's worried eyes. 

On the other end of the cage, Ruffruner was standing on top of Pouncer with something metallic in his teeth. Then, something clicked and Hiccup and Dart turned to the direction of the sound. "What's going on?" Dart asked.

Instead of answering, Ruffruner pushed the metal bars and they opened. "How did you-" Before Hiccup could answer, some voices were heard outside. "Quick! Pull off my muzzle I will try to pull them off for as long as I can!" 

Pouncer pulled off his father's muzzle and ran behind him. Ruffruner followed his brother. "Dart, go!" Hiccup roared as footsteps were heard outside. "But-" Dart started but Hiccup roared even louder "Go!"

The next events happened in a span of a few seconds. Dart rose up in the air, and squeezed out of the metal bars, flying away as fast as she could. Behind her, she could hear blasts of fire and shouting of humans. As much as she wanted to turn around, she couldn't. She had to keep flying.

Then, she heard a roar from behind her. A roar of pain and misery. Suddenly she could hear the flaps of large wings behind her. She turned her head around only to see her father with tears and a saddened expression, she wanted to ask what's wrong but then saw two, small, lifeless bodies in her father's claws.


Please don't kill me for the ending! I think everyone knows who died, but in case you haven't figured it out, then I won't reveal it. Sooooo...... I'm just going to end the chapter here before y'all kill me....... (runs away) 

Have a nice day,


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