No Prisoners

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Rosabella's Point of View:

In retaliation for my Quidditch commentary, Jason used a spell to levitate me by my ankles and used rope to hang me from a chandelier. Thank god I decided to wear trousers that day. No one was around apart from the trio and Jason and Jacob. Hermione looked shocked at what just happened, Ron didn't hesitate to laugh hysterically and Harry was also laughing but making more of an effort to hide it. I laughed hysterically.
"Get her down!" Hermione said frantically.

Jason and Jacob didn't appear to hear her as they laughed hysterically, leaning on each other for support. I was stuck up there for about ten minutes before Lucas came round the corner with his friends Ben, Will and Fiona. They all froze at the scene before them, their mouths hanging open in shock.
    "Hey, Lu. I'm finally taller then you now!" I said brightly with a cheerful wave.

Lucas sent a death glare in Jason and Jacob's direction.

They gulped.
"Ro, how did you get up there?" Jason said in mock confusion.
"Get down this instant! You could break your neck!" Jacob said in a very good impression of McGonagall.
"I have no idea how to get her down without her just falling to the floor! Did you idiots think of that?" Lucas yelled.

Jason and Jacob looked slightly ashamed, evidently they had not thought of that.
"I have an idea. I'm going to need a long rope if any of you can conjure any." I called from the chandelier.

They all looked at me curiously.

Fiona conjured the rope and threw it too me. I just about caught it. Luckily, I'm flexible so I managed to tie one end of the large rope to the chandelier.
    "Right now break the ropes around my ankles." I called from the chandelier as I gripped the long rope.
"What the hell is going on here?" Michael said as he came round the corner.
"Merlin only knows. Ro, are you sure about this?" Lucas said, uneasily.
"Yes! Actually, I've always kind of wanted to do it." I said and made sure I had a good grip on the rope.

      "Diffindo." Lucas said, pointing his wand at the ropes around my ankles.

They split in half and I began to fall for a few seconds but because of my grip on the rope, I swung instead of falling. I then slid down the rope. I wasn't hurt apart from a bit of rope burn on my palms.

My brothers all breathed a sigh of relief.
"You know what this means." I said, glaring challengingly at my twin brothers.
"No! Oh god no! Not a –" Michael said, his eye wide with panic.
"Prank War." My twin brothers and I said at the same time.

The next few weeks were filled with pranks and I've heard many people say they're surprised Hogwarts is still standing.

In retaliation for hanging me from the chandelier, I made all the cauldron in Jason and Jacob's potion class explode. And because I don't like Snape, I set up a booby trap around Jason and Jacob's table, when he passed Jason and Jacob's table greasy oil would fall on him.

In retaliation to that, Jason and Jacob let out a bunch of Nifflers during Transfiguration. This caused a lot of chaos and McGonagall had to dismiss the class early.

In retaliation, I flooded Jason and Jacob's Charms class.

They then retaliated by sneaking into my History of Magic's class room and glueing me to my chair using a sticking charm.

I then retaliated but straping flameless fireworks to their chairs in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Apparate I nearly gave Quirrell a heart attack he was so scared. Those are just a few of the many things we did and that's just what we did in lessons.

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