A New King is Crowned

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Author-Chan: "it has been way too long since I've written but I was just taking a break and 1 new story is coming out soon so hopefully that will make up for it"

After all of the media asking questions to Ash and Red they went back to their friends only to see the Alola gang there

Alolan crew: "Alola! congrats Ash!"

Ash: "Oh hey what are you guys doing here and thanks"

Lana: "well we saw you're announcement on TV and we were deciding where we should go for our field trip and you know the rest"

Red: "I have so many questions"

Mallow: "ask away"

Red: "well first what is Alola?"

Sophocles: "it's the region we come from and it's how we greet people there like if you want to say hello you would say Alola"

Red: "second is how do you know Ash"

Kiawe: "we went to pokemon school together on his journey through Alola"

Ash: "In which I succeeded in becoming champion"

Red: "Ash went to school?!"

Serena: "I know I was just as surprised as you are!"

Ash: "hey!"

they continued talking until they decided it was getting late and they walked back to their places where they would stay for the night

The next morning in the dining room eating breakfast

Red: "so Ash you ready to go crush Lance!"

Ash: "of course then next up is Steven then Cynthia then Iris then Alain then I will be a pokemon master!"

Goh: "wait doesn't that mean that if you beat Lance today you'll be the closest anyone's ever gotten to the rank of a pokemon master"

Ash: "correct, Goh"

Serena: *walks over to the breakfast table while wearing Ash's Kanto outfit*

Ash: "you look good Sere"

Serena: "aww thanks!" *blushing a little*

Red: "seriously you two have been dating for a week and you already have nicknamed each other"

Ash: "while yes we have only been dating for a week we also have known each other since you were just a little baby"

Serena: "red is just a mini Ash!"

Ash: "ah yes a younger smaller less successful me"

Red: "WTH!"

later that day at the match between Ash and Lance

Ref: "the match between Champion Ash and Champion Lance is about to commence"

Ash&Lance: *nods head*

Ref: "battle begin!"

Ash: "Lucario I choose you!"

Lance: "Dragonite let's go!"

Ash: *says through aura* "extreme speed!"

Lance: "use dragon rush!"

Lucario: *runs at Dragonite getting up close while dodging dragon rush* "lu, lu, lu!

Dragonite: *runs close at Lucario trying to hit him*

Ash: *says through aura* "metal sound!"

Lucario: "Rioooo!" *uses metal sound*

Dragonite: *covering ears*

Ash: *through aura* "point-blank aura sphere full power!"

Lucario: *uses point-blank aura sphere at full power* "lu!"

Lance: "dragon pulse!"

Ash: *through aura* "counter with aura shield!"

Lucario: *blocks dragon pulse*

Ash: *through aura* "now bone rush into close combat!"

Lucario: "luuu!" *runs up to Dragonite hitting it with bone rush a couple of times into close combat*

Ash: *through aura* "retreat and get ready!"

Ash: "hope you aren't done yet Lance because we're just getting started!"

Ash: "LUCARIO, CONNECTED THROUGH AURA FOREVER MEGA EVOLVE!" *touches his mega ring on his wrist*


Lance: "wha?!"


Lucario: "RIOOOOOOO!"

Lucario uses a giant golden aura sphere and hitting Dragonite resulting in him fainting and Ash being champion of 4 regions Alola, Galar, Kanto, and Johto 

Author-Chan: "and we are back in business baby! thanks for reading and as always FEAR NOT!"

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