Hello Kanto

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Author-Chan: (the gang had fun for a couple more days in Alola but now it's time to leave)

Ash: "see you guys soon"

Kiawe: "yeah"

Mallow: "for sure"

Sophocles: "see you"

Ash: "Bye"

they got on the jet and started to fly to Kanto

Ash: walks into Serena's room on the private jet "here"

Serena: "what are these"

Ash: "those are an exact replica of the outfit I wore when I traveled in Kanto"

Serena: "aww you didn't have to"

Ash: "what I thought you looked cute in my Kalos outfit"

Serena: blushes madly "then I guess I'll have to wear it"

Author-Chan: (Kanto Vermillion city 8:00 am)

Ash: "this never gets old!" stretches

Serena: "it's been 15 years since I've been here"

Ash: "yeah I remember summer camp"

Serena: "really cause you didn't in Kalos"

Ash: "hey It was 13 years since I saw you"

Serena: "well I remembered it vividly"

Ash: "fine you win this one"

Ash: "but we need to go pick up someone at the Cerise lab then we go to Fula City"

Bonnie: "who is it" 

Ash: "you'll see"

Bonnie: "but I wanna know now" pouts

Ash: "patience"

Bonnie: "hm"

25 min later at Cerise laboratory

Ash: "Knock Knock"

Goh: opens the door and sees Ash: "jerk!"

Ash: "punk!"

Ash: "these are my friend's Bonnie, Clemont, Alain, and my girlfriend Serena"

Goh: "It took you a week to get her to fall for you"

Ash: "I made the first move"

Goh: "sure you did jerk"

Serena: "he did though"

Goh: "seriously"

Ash: "oh please punk!"

Goh: "oh I'm Goh by the way"

Goh: "I'm assuming you came to go to the Wind Festival"

Ash: "Yeah decided I wanted you to come along since we did meet on the back of Lugia"

Goh: "I was about to go anyway so I'm packed"

Ash: "alright let's go

They pretty much traveled all day so when they got there they stayed in the mayor's house after all Ash did lead in saving the city 

(8:30 am)

Ash: "hey Serena I'm going for a run you coming"

Serena: "yeah!"

Serena: "she walked over to him and said where are we going"

Ash: "we are going to the school track because I think we might see some other old friends"

Serena: "you're friends with everybody aren't you"

Ash: "well when you've traveled for 8 years you meet a lot of people"

Serena: "true"

they walked for another 5 min or so till they reached the school track

Ash: "we're here" then he spots 2 people "Risa and Margo is that you"

Risa: turns around "Ash! hey long time no see"

Margo: "Ash!"

(if you haven't seen the pokemon power of us Movie then just look up the characters and there backstory)

Ash: "hey you guys!"

Margo: "here for the Wind Festival"

Ash: "yep you a trainer yet"

Margo: "yeah and I heard that someone's been getting stronger"

Ash: "I have, Oh and this is Serena my girlfriend"

Serena: "Hi"

Ash: "what about you Risa hows Eevee"

Risa: "you mean Jolteon" throws a pokeball"

Ash: "cool it evolved"

Serena: "ooh I have an idea since Margo is a new trainer and Risa has probably gotten better since you last saw her I say we have a double battle"

Margo: "ok but be careful just cause I'm 10 and shes not exactly the battle type we're still strong"

Ash: "I'm assuming that means you caught Zeraora"

Margo: nods

Ash: "Ok good I've been looking for a challenge"

(skip to battle)

Ash: "Greninja I choose you"

Margo: "Let's do this Zeraora"

Serena: "Sylveon"

Risa: "Jolteon"

Risa: "Jolteon quick attack!"

Sylveon: "protect"

Ash: "cut!"

Margo: "electro ball"

Risa: "go for Greninja volt tackle"

Ash: "block with cut!"

Ash: "stronger, stronger, stronger ahhhhhhh"

Greninja: gets swallowed by an water veil and emerges in sync

Risa: "wow their bond is strong"

Risa: "thunder on Greninja"

Margo: " you do the same Zeraora"

Ash: "Greninja you know what to do"

Greninja gets swallowed again but when the attacks hit it hits the veil instead of Greninja

Greninja: emerges with blue electricity flowing through it

Risa: "yes paralyzed!"

Ash: smirks "nope just charged, use wild charge"

Risa: "huh"

Serena: "double moon blast!"

both attacks hit leaving their oppents fainted and the rest of the time they shook hands and raced it was a tie between Ash and Risa

Author-Chan: "you'll have to see the rest next chapter this was another kinda short one but I'm kinda focussed on school and as always FEAR NOT"


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