"Mom I...."

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Sorry i posted later than usual I was busy..

3 days after arrest in the interrogation room...

The detective sat down at the table in front of Ikuzu, who was currently restrained. Ikuzu looked horrible to say the least. He had bags under his eyes and he had starved himself, refusing to eat the food they served him. You got yourself into this mess. There it was. The cursed voice wouldn't leave him alone since he was arrested. Ikuzu seemed to be in a drunken like haze. "Hello Ikuzu." Ikuzu's eyes darted to where the officer sat and focused. 

"How long?"


"How long do I get? How many years?" Ikuzu said, straight to the point. The officer was slightly shocked, but regathered himself.

"Ikuzu according to some of the other people you were detained with, you talk to yourself a lot. Do you sometimes hear things, in your head specifically?" the detective questioned.

"Y-yeah so what? I've been hearing things all my life."

"Ikuzu when you murdered-" Ikuzu felt his stomach clench at the word. "I'm sorry, when you temporarily killed, Katsuki Bakugou... Did you hear this voice as well?"

"No...but i heard it before i did it." Ikuzu admitted. The detective jotted something down before raising his hand and waving it forward. At that same time someone else came in, Inko, to be exact. Ikuzu's eyes widen and then tried to turn around or face himself away. He didn't want his mom to see him like this.

"Ikuzu...?" Inko said softly, sitting in front of her son. She was a bit nervous, but she knew this boy. He was her son and though he hadn't gone this far, he'd been in this situation before. "Sweety-"

"Tell him to leave first."


"Tell him to leave first. " Ikuzu repeated more forcefully. Inko gave an apologetic look and the detective left out, though he watch from behind the one way mirror. 

"Sweety..." Inko started. "What are you feeling?" Ikuzu knew what she was doing, that's why he told the officer to leave. It was a sort of mental relaxer. Ikuzu had always been unstable, so she made the routine just for him in special cases. 

"I don't really wanna say how I feel, Mom." he said sassily. Inko furrowed her eyebrows and stood up. 

"Ikuzu Midoriya." Ikuzu flinched at the use of his full name. "Now... please." Ikuzu frowned and somehow got his chair to face away from his mother. He still didn't want to face her.

"Why didn't you tell me I'd lost already?"

"Huh? What do you mean? What did you lose?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Izuku would never accept me?"

"Because I knew there was a possibility that he would. It isn't odd for sibling to not get along or even hate each other." Ikuzu didn't respond. "Ask yourself this. If I would have told you 'Izuku will never like you or love you because you look like your father', would it have made any difference? Would still have tried this hard, sacrificing so much?"

"I...I would have tried harder... to prove you all wrong." Ikuzu replied truthfully. Everytime someone told him that Izuku was out of his reach he would do everything in his power to get even closer than before. And he felt like he was getting there... but then he screwed it up, badly.

"Ikuzu?" Inko called to get his attention back.


"What do you think you should do? Though you killed Katsuki, you brought him back right?" he nodded, his back was still turned. "How do you think you can make things better this time? And If not for yourself, for Izuku." 

Ikuzu began replaying all his memories of his brother. He replayed the smiles, the glares, many many glares, the laughs, the crying, and even sleeping. His heart felt like a dagger was going through it with each time he saw his brother's face. Maybe if... "Mom c-could you call the policeman back in here?" Inko waved in the same manner the detective had done before, and so the detective came inside.

"Yes, Mrs. Midoriya?"

"Ikuzu asked to speak with you." the detective looked to Ikuzu and waited for him to speak. Ikuzu turned back around, revealing the tears flowing down his cheeks. Ikuzu pretended as if they weren't there and so they did the same.

"Yes Ikuzu?"

"Do you have someone in contact that can erase memories, specific parts of memory to be exact?" Ikuzu investigated. The detective looked at Inko for some sort of explanation, but she just as clueless as he was.

"We do, but why do you ask?"

"Can you call them here?"

"Answer me first, boy." the detective said a bit more sternly. Ikuzu looked down and then to his mother. He stared in her eyes when he asked this:

"I want you to erase all memories of Izuku from my mind." Ikuzu demanded. His voice trembled slightly.

"What?! Ikuzu dera that absurd-" The detective put his hand up to tell her to be quiet. Inko just obeyed.

"Okay and what will that do for us?"

"If you erase him from my brain, then I'll have no reason to pursue him or those around him. I'd only know my mother and I wouldn't bother him either. He'd be like a complete stranger and all my hostility would disappear along with him. Even if Mom told me he was my twin, I would have no relationship or connection with him, so if he rejected me I wouldn't harbor any personal feelings. In fact, to better everyone from the pain you could also erase Bakugou, Aunt Mitsuki, and.... and U-UA completely from my mind. Then I'd stay confined at home like before." Ikuzu explained and though this is what he was saying could not feel any more opposite of it.

The detective was silent for a moment contemplating the options and possibilities. "You do realize that if we leave your mother in your memories that the problem could brew up again? I think the best option would be to discuss things with UA and keep you there. You can keep your memory of everyone except your brother, mother, and Katsuki Bakugou and his mother. All connections except at school will be severed. You will be under constant watch by the school and authorities and you will live as an orphan for the protection of the use of your powers." He walked around the table and stood in front of Ikuzu. "Do you agree to these conditions and accept all that comes with it?"

Ikuzu tried to look the officer in the eye, but couldn't so he put his head down and nodded. Soon after the hero with the select memory erasing came in. "Would you like to tell your mother your last goodbyes?" the woman asked. Ikuzu looked over to his crying mother.

"Mom.." Inko looked up at him. Ikuzu gave a weak smile. "I love you, but this is for your sakes. Im ready."

"No baby wait-" The woman immediately started on her job. Izuku could feel teh pain of all images of Izuku fading. 

Goodbye Izuku.... wait Izuku? Who is...





. Sorry if this was short  i like really have to go so hope you enjoyed bye!!!!

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