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"Just come with me Reggie, it's not worth staying here." Sirius said to his little brother.

"I can't, I have to continue the bloodline." "No Reggie you don't. You don't need to do anything mum or dad say."

"I can't just leave them like this, I have to stay Sirius." Regulus said to his older brother.

"Just come please, you know life would be so much better if we leave." "It's fine if you leave your practically disowned but if I leave the family will be ruined."

"Just please come Reg." Sirius begged his brother. Regulus thought about it for a moment. "Fine, but you better not make me regret this." Sirius smiled at his brother's agreement.

"Okay, great pack you trunk but pack light. We'll be walking a bit."

Sirius then left the room to owl James that Regulus would be coming. Since he already packed beforehand (knowing that he was going to runaway) he didn't have anymore packing to do.

Sirius came back to Regulus' room with his trunk in hand. He set down his trunk at the doorframe and walked over to his Regulus' bed and sat down. He watched his younger brother finish packing.

Regulus kept pacing around the room not knowing what to bring or what his parents would do once they figured out he and Sirius were gone.

After what felt like an eternity for Sirius, Regulus was finally done packing his stuff. Regulus had decided to bring a few books that his cousin Narcissa had bought him over winter break for his Christmas present. Though Regulus never got to read them as he was still reading his other books.

Luckily for the Black brothers their parents were out for the day. They didn't tell their children why they went out but they had figured it was something to do for the dark lord.

Finally the brothers left Regulus' room and went downstairs careful not to run into their house elf, Kreacher.

"We should probably grab something to eat before we go." Said Sirius as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Regulus nodded in agreement.

Once they reached the kitchen door Regulus put his put his hand in front Sirius to stop him. "What?" Questioned Sirius. "I think Kreacher is in there." Regulus whispered afraid Kreacher might hear.

"What are we supposed to do if he is in there?" Questioned Regulus. "You mean what are YOU gonna do." Sirius emphasized the you. Regulus gave his brother a confused look.

"Alright so you're gonna go in there because if Kreacher is in there he's most likely going listen to you. You're going to tell him that you're there for some food. If asks you why tell him that you didn't eat a lot today. Also make sure to grab enough food for the both of us."

Regulus nodded as he set down his trunk at the door. He slowly turned the doorknob. Once the door was fully opened he saw Kreacher mopping the floor.

Kreacher quickly looked at the door to see who it was. Once he saw it was Regulus the house elf leaned the mop against the counter and ran over to Regulus.

"What is Master Regulus doing down in the kitchens?" Asked Kreacher. "I just came here for some food" "Didn't Master Regulus eat dinner not to long ago?" "We'll yes I did but I'm still a bit hungry."

Regulus looked calm. But from the inside he was a bit nervous. He couldn't tell weather Kreacher was suspicious about Regulus getting food this late at night (the time was 10:37). Kreacher kept his emotions to himself as he was a house elf nobody cared about his feelings. So it was pretty hard to tell.

Kreacher bowed his head. The tip of his nose almost touching the hard and cold kitchen floors. Just as Kreacher started walking off to do his task Regulus stopped him.

"Kreacher?" He said. The old house elf turned around to look at him again, waiting for Regulus to talk once more. "Could I maybe get the food myself? I feel bad for having you do everything." Kreacher nodded in response stepping aside so Regulus could pass.

Regulus closed the door behind him not wanting Kreacher to accidentally see Sirius. He walked around the kitchen looking for some snacks that he could grab.

Kreacher usually made food from scratch so most of the food items in the kitchen were ingredients and utensils, such as flour and rolling pins. There were some snacks laying around like chips. There was also bread and pepperoni.

He took those items and put them in a big brown paper bag he found on the stove. Why was it on the stove? He couldn't tell you. Regulus started walking towards the door. Once he reached it he turned around to face Kreacher.

Regulus thanked Kreacher one last time. He knew that when he left with Sirius that, that moment would most likely be the last time he would ever see Kreacher.

Kreacher bowed again, the tip of his nose almost touching the floor. Regulus turned around to open the door. When Regulus was out of the room he closed the door behind him.

Once the door was closed he looked at Sirius holding up the brown paper bag showing his brother he retrieved the food.

Regulus pick up his trunk. They headed towards the front door, opening it and stepping outside into the cold and windy night to start their journey to the Potters. By now the time was 10:41.

That's Not My Name (Jegulus) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now