124. - a p1h game. (p.2)

302 33 74

i'm bored, enjoy :)

based on the first letter of your LAST  name:
a, b, c, d - jongseob
e, f, g, h - jiung
i, j, k, l - soul
m, n, o, p, q - intak
r, s, t, u - theo
v, w, x, y, z - keeho

based on the last digit of the year
you were born in:
0, 1 - bought me flowers
2, 3 - did my homework
4, 5 - held hands with me
6, 7 - took a pic with me
8, 9 - laughed at me

based on your favourite track from
disharmony : break out :
scared - because we are besties
reset - because he missed me
pyramid - because he is bored
ayaya - because i yelled at him
end it - because i confessed to him
if you call me - because he needs something from me

what did you get?

mine: theo did my homework because he missed me 💀

thanks theo

thanks theo

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