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Hey guys just a little message , please tell me if I should continue writing this story , I am not so sure about it so please let me know if you guys enjoy , thank you happy reading!

Alya's POV

The black figure landed next to the red superhero, I took a closer look just to find out that he was a boy, he had charcoal hair but mid way they were blue as the sea then back to charcoal, his suit was assembled with multiple pieces , but all together looks put together. He had a dark sea coloured coat that was overlapping the black suit that covered up his neck. He look more relaxed while the bug like figure was more fierce and tight.

When they were done from all that fighting, news reporters rushed into their face from all directions.
One of them managed to push me over. "Heyyy!! WATCH IT". When I looked up , the black figure was walking towards me, he help me get on my feet, I thanked him and took this opportunity as my advantages to ask him a couple of questions. "Hello
I'm Alya Césaire , would you be interested in answering a couple of questions. He said he didn't mind to , so I proceeded. "First things first what is your name". He stopped to think for a min "Black knight" he responded. By this time the bug figure is no where in sight. "Will you be protecting Paris from supervillains "but before he let in more air to answer my question, he was quickly interrupted by a beeping sound , looks like it was coming from his black ring on his clawed hand. " Sorry alya, looks like I got to go, make sure to stop by next time",
He waved at me and flew into the sky.

On my way back Marinette was waiting for me on the school entrance, I can't wait to tell what I just witnessed!!

Marinette's POV
We made our way in the classroom when some blonde hair boy was approached to my seat,
I quickly gave ayla a shove to alert her of the situation, we went in for a closer look to only find out that he was spreading some chewed out gum in our seat. Can this day get any worse, first I had to deal with Chloé this morning and now this. "Heyyy!
What are you doing?". My yell frightened him which caused him to stutter "uhh huh I- I wa-".
His response had to come to an end because of the laughing in the background. Now everything finally made sense " ok good job you three , very funny" he then answered " no no I was only trying to take it off" pfff does he think I'm dumb "oh yes yes that sure looks like it" I moved in closer to take out a napkin to place on top of the well spread gum. I then turned to ask "let me guess your friends with Chloé" he then mumbles something to himself in which I wasn't in the right mindset to hear. When I was on my seat, I replayed the scene in my head , "he looks very familiar" I then said to alya who was already on her phone, she then proceeds to show me a picture "WHATTT, he's the son of my fave fashion designer , GABRIEL AGRESTE, so he must be ,ADRIEN AGRESTE. Alya then rants about how a terrible friend he would be.

Hope you guys like it ,again tell me if I should continue this story , cuz I would love writing for you guys, any way happy reading

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