Chapter 1

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Hazel's POV

Hazel woke up to screaming. Again.

She sat up and reached for her blade. She meet a cool substance that tingled on contact. Then it burned. She withdrew her hand, and saw the black shadows that were laced around her brother when he slept, blistering her skin. She shook it off and grabbed her sword.

She slid off her bed and approached Nico's. He was coated in shadows, as he normally was at night. She poked at him, with the flat of her blade and he jerked awake, the whispery blackness dissolving.

"I did it again didn't I?" He said, worriedly. Hazel nodded. "I-I didn't mean to. Did I hurt anyone?" He mumbled. She shook her head. The small wound on her palm was already healing, and he didn't need to feel worse.

"I-I need some time alone Hazel. Can you?" He asked. "Yeah sure." Hazel said, leaving the room. This had become so common that she ended up sleeping in her clothes most nights. She slid on some shoes and walked out the door.

There was someone she needed to visit.

Bianca's POV

Bianca was restless. She had a really unsettling feeling that something was wrong with Nico. She paced around her room, already used to the ghostly feeling of the dark house she now resided in. She then heard a knock on the door.

Bianca reluctantly drifted through a hallway and to the front of her house. She opened her door and saw Hazel standing on her stoop, shifting uncomfortably. She opened the door wider to let Her half-sister step in, and seated her in the living room.

"Hey Haze, what brings you here?" Bianca asked the dark-skinned girl who was looking anxious. "It's Nico." Hazel said. "I'm really worried about him. The shadows haven't gone away and it's getting colder and colder every night." Bianca nodded.

"He needs you Bia." Hazel said, fidgeting with her collar. "The shadows are your thing. Like my thing is gems. His thing is the dead. I don't think he's doing this consciously. He's being controlled I think."

Bianca hesitated then said, "Let me talk to dad."


And that's chapter one. This note is mostly for Tvisha but yeah. You can delete this note if you want Tvish. ~ Zoe

Nah, it's k. ~ Tvisha

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