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     Over time, Sage's condition had only gotten worse. Doctors found out more and more difficulties with Sage, she wasn't improving on anything, the only milestones she hit was being able to stay awake for longer periods of time, and speaking. Although the speaking was hushed and in very little words, she could still communicate with those who tried to help her. After one week of trying, the doctors moved her to another facility, they tried.

Knowing that she'd be in the ICU for a while, John gave up trying to visit her. That didn't stop him from not doing work, however. He had so many commissions piling up, and the stack only got bigger. Figuring that it would only get bigger, he made himself write. Through tears, through the thoughts screaming in his head that she wasn't ok, through his own internal conflict, he kept writing.

     Sage waited, now that she was in consciousness, she waited for him. She then remembered his gift, she called a nurse, "Walkman bag?" Was all she could force out. The nurse tilted their head in confusion, Sage sighed, "Sunflower paint?" The nurse thought long and hard as to what she was referring to, then it hit them. The nurse walked out for about ten minutes, then returned with a bag full of items recovered from the crash. "I'm surprised any of this came out, from what I heard you held on to them for dear life before you passed out." They explained, Sage smiled sadly and shook her head up and down.

     After Marc finished work, he decided to try and visit. Knowing that if he was able to, he would let John know. The pair's relationship had been stagnant, especially since John shouted at him. Sure, it was his fault for not telling him sooner, but he was still processing that information. He got into his car and felt a tight pressure in his chest, he had to move through it alone. He made his way down the same highway, and passed the damage that was still there. He ventured his way to the hospital and sat there, parked and stuck in his own car. Quickly thinking of John, he got out and entered. He went up to the receptionist, "Hi, are visitors able to visit Adaliya Kelley? Or is she still in ICU?" He asked, forcing a small fake smile. His eyes were tired from sleepless nights, he had nightmares and went to John, but John wouldn't open up. The receptionist nodded their head and directed them to the room. Shocked at the sudden news, Marc memorized the turns he took and came to the right room. He looked at the door and held his breath as he knocked while he entered. There, in the bed to his right, he saw one of his best friends. "Hi." She waved, a smile tugged at her lips, he walked in with tears already flowing down his cheeks, he heard a a faint song playing nearby. He looked around to see what it was, "Walkman." She answered. "And John?" She asked, a hopeful glint in her bruised eye. "I-I have to call him, he's been trying to visit you but, you were somewhere else." Marc answered in a small voice, still kind of choked up at the sight of one of his best friends. They spent time trying to talk, and Sage felt a bit better now that she had company.

Every boy would find what I found
                  In your arms.

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