Things Happen for a Reason

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Before you could even reach it, the door swung inwards and you almost bumped right into someone's chest.


Looking up, your eyes met with ones concealed by thick, blonde bangs.

"Hey, sorry." You took a step back, as you briefly apologised to Killer having almost just bashed right into him as he left the garage.

The man stepped to one side, holding the door open without even questioning your presence. You ambled in, subconsciously fiddling with the hem of your jacket. Truly, it was a mess. Considering it was the one you had... gone out in, it smelt a little of fire smoke and of metal.

Blood, bluntly put, and not yours either.

"You okay?" He asked, frowning. There was a hint of concern in the man's voice as he shut the door.

Nodding, you lied quickly and painfully. "Yeah, I'm good."

You gave him the best smile you could muster. It must've looked a little on the weak side, unfortunately.

Taking a seat on the other sofa, Killer looked you up and down from under his hair. You were usually such a well-kept person, he was beginning to wonder what had happened.

Your jacket was zipped shut and you were wearing jeans which looked like they had seen better days. He didn't know if he was just overanalysing the situation, but you smelt like metal.

No matter, he leaned back and got comfortable, trying to change the conversation. "How come you're over?"

"Living alone is a little boring, you know?" You hummed simply.

He chuckled, raising an eyebrow as you would assume, still unable to see anything more than a flash of blue here and there belonging to his eyes.

"So you decided to come here? Kid will complain, you know."

"It should be fine." You said as you waved a dismissive hand, keeping just the tips of your fingers visible as the rest hid in your sleeve.

Everything you did you took a little more caution with, you never knew when something could be picked apart.

He tilted his head to one side in thought. "As long as you are okay and that guy has stopped following you,"

"I literally just wanna speak, Crimson."

"Just get out of my house."

"Then it's okay."

It was as if someone had poured gelid water over you, each droplet trickling down your front and back. You were unaware, but Killer frowned when he noticed your fingernails dig into the pleather of the sofa. He could see you visibly tense, worried that he might've said something to trigger you.

"(Y/n), w-"

"Oi, Killer! Have you got the parts for- what's good, Princess?"

Kid came barging into the room, his impatient and demanding demeanour simply melting away to an overconfident front when his tangerine eyes fell on you.

You looked up, offering him the smallest of smiles. If you weren't preoccupied with other thoughts, you would've chewed him out for calling you such a thing.

"What you doing here?" He quizzed, staring down at you.

The lies were falling off your tongue like water, apparently. "I just came to hang around."

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