18. Antidotes and Horoscopes

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Chapter Eighteen

*DK's POV*

Looking down at the sleeping girl on my chest, all I could do was smile. Still unable to actually accept I'm not in a dream, last night I held her closer than I had ever done before. 

Staring down at her, she looked just as perfect as she did when I first laid eyes on her. Tracing her cheek gently with my fingers, I drew around the purplish blue bruise on her cheek. Even though I can't wrap my head around the fact of her new profession, what I said still stands. I couldn't give a shit what she does, as long as I have her. That's enough for me. 

Admittedly, it does scare me. Losing her 5 years ago broke me in a way I never thought I would ever feel before, and with what she does now... well, there's always the prospect it might happen again. For now, it's something I'm going to have to get over. As hard as it is, I can't change anything. Not right now at least. 

Feeling her move, her eyes fluttered open revealing those bright eyes I get lost in every time I look into them. 

"Morning Jagi," I whispered, moving hair from her face. 

"Hi Oppa," her morning voice croaked out, her voice raspy. Seeing her hand move to her throat, she squeezed her eyes. Leaning over to my side, I grabbed the bottle of water I keep in my room. Handing it over, she smiled sheepishly, taking it from me. "Thank you," taking a few gulps, she sat up. "Morning Chewy," she leant over, ruffling his ears. Hearing him gruff, she sat back up laughing as he tried to lick her. 

Grabbing her non bruised cheek gently as she turned back around, it might sound cheesy, but the world literally stopped for a few moments. Staring into her eyes, she looked back, a smile creeping on her lips. Moving forward, I pulled her closer to me. 

Connecting out lips, feeling her hands come up to my jaw, I pulled her up and onto my lap. Deepening the kiss, I snaked one arm around her back, pulling her closer. 

Moments passed, her hands moved up into my hair as she moved further onto my lap, closing the tiny gap that was between us. 

Just as I was about to move things a little further along, a knock came at the door. 

Breaking my lips from hers, I saw her cheeks turn pink as she bit her lip. 

"HYUNG!" The voice came from the other side of the door. I swear to god, someone better be dying. "I need Noona!" 

Looking back to her, she started laughing a little. 

"Next time, Oppa," she winked, jumping off me. Jumping off the bed and running in front of her as she picked up one of my t-shirts off the floor, I grabbed her waist pulling her back to me. 

"Not so fast," looking back down, I smiled as she put her arms around my neck, hanging them loosely. "I love you," biting my lip, like I said earlier, I'm scared I'm just going to randomly wake up. 

"I love you too, Oppa," seeing her smile warmed my heart. Hearing the banging on the door return, I groaned turning and swinging the door open. 

Seeing Dino stood there, Chewy quickly ran out of the door after him as he ran away, leaving Seungkwan stood there. 

"Don't kill me," he shut his eyes, flinching. Opening one eye as Hyolyn started to laugh from behind me, he coughed and stood straight, dropping his hands from his face. "I need to borrow Noona." Rolling my eyes, I turned and shut the door. 

"Better put that on, please," I nodded to the t-shirt in her hands. Seeing her stood in just some shorts and a crop top, I couldn't have the others looking at her. 

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