Car Accident (Dean Imagine)

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(Your POV) You stomp out the front door, but before you leave you grab the keys to the Impala.

"Babe, I didn't mean anything I just said, I'm sorry. Please don't leave." Dean pleaded with you, but you just kept walking towards the car. You and Dean had just had a major fight and you were filled with rage as you opened the car door.

"Just no, Dean. I can't do this anymore, goodbye." You said, as you slid into the drivers seat and started the ignition.

"Baby, please!" He called after you, but you're already backing out of the drive way. You began to speed down the highway as the tears started to fall. All of the horrible things you had said to each other, just because you couldn't save somebody on your most recent hunting trip. You got so mad at each other, that everything you've ever kept from him spilled out. God, you even said you hated him. You were crying harder now and your tears began to obstruct your vision. So when a truck pulled in front of you, and you didn't see it, you slammed into the back of it. Immediately the Impala took the impact hard and then rolled off the road. Your head had snapped forward on impact and now you were crushed between the seat and the roof of the Impala as it rolled upside down. The last thing you remember seeing was the windshield glass scattered around the roof of the crushed Impala.

(Dean's POV) My phone starts to ring and I rush towards it thinking it's Y/N but when I pick up its not Y/N's voice I hear on the other end.

"Is this Dean Winchester?" A woman asks.

"Yes this is he." I respond.

"Hello, Mr. Winchester. I'm Deputy Scarlett Jones at the local police department and I am calling to ask if you some how have a relation to Y/N Y/L/N?" She asks. I start to panic. What has happened? Did Y/N do something wrong? Is she hurt? All of these question are racing through my head as I respond.

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend. Why, is she okay?" I ask worriedly. There is a long pause and the deputy begins to speak again.

"Sir, I'm sorry to inform you that Y/N Y/L/N has gotten into a severe car crash." She says, and waits for me to absorb the words she has just spoken. I am to shocked to answer but then I do.

"Wh- what?" I manage to ask, grief is already consuming me as she speaks the words that shatter my world to shards and rubble.

"She didn't make it, sir. I'm sorry for your loss." She says. I drop the phone.


What did you guys think? To sad? Please send requests, I'm starting to run low on ideas. Thanks! Peace out bitches!


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