Chapter 1.10

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Chapter 10
Blood Related
"Man on the Moon"

For being super wise and smart the old man sure was slow. Reginald created another lifeform while he was gone. They knew nothing of her, conceded into their own worlds not thinking of why their so called Father was gone for so long.


Everyone in The Umbrella Academy had layers of physical and mental trauma. Just some were more conceded than others. Klaus seemed to have it the worst alongside Five. Layla seemed to notice the exstarvenagnt clothes from the dumpster behind the local thrift store. However, she seemed to like his style. Being a child the faded fun colors attracted her eye not the fact her adult brother was most likely high while speaking to her. One day Klaus wore faded denim and a white shirt he had been tired of. As he first got here, however, that night he was in Layla's room at the end of the hall. It was the corner he and Ben would hide from the cameras hidden around the manor. He noticed the number eight carved in fake gold hung on the door like an apartment building. Curiosity peaked his mind. The thought of Reginald hiding something from the children wasn't ghastly or shocking. In Fact the old man had enough secrets that his grave was full before he died.

Layla was caught in her bedroom playing with a few old princess dolls probeyy from Allison or Vanya as a child. However she had on in particular that was breathtaking. The dolls name was Irene; she had soft colored skin with silky dark brown hair glued to her head. A golden tiara placed on top and a dark black, ivory green, and gold dress. Flared onto her plastic waits. She wasn't big about the size of a Barbie doll. Klaus was cusoiors once again about how she got that doll passed old man Reggie. Klaus was high therefore, he envisioned quite a few things that night. But that doll wasn't one of them, Reginald had a dirty little secret exposing himself why the little child had such a wonderful toy.

*End of Flashback*

Back to the present Five was drilling his mind while he waited for someone. The hijacked van he had stolen was his Batcave for the time being. Afterwards the story would end for Five he wouldn't have a life outside of the one he mistakenly adapted to. On the other hand the remembrance of where he had once found Layla had consumed him. During his age the mindset of his ways didn't affect him and his "fuck everyone, I don't give a fuck!" attitude. For now it could not get him far in life. This world had drastically changed since he last knew it. A clue as to why he was th

is way would be awful and disgusting. Mindsets of tears being shed for his siblings the way they treated him were so terrible and like he had a stick up his ass was true. But his salt levels drowned themselves in the dust and dirt.
Five found a little girl sulking her head buried between her knees. He was young enough and naive to go find help. Help can't go far when you are the only two people left on earth. She lifted her head from her knees. She was covered in dust, in her hair she had a purple clip amongst her ravenous curls. With big brown eyes that has seen the world crumble infront of her feet. "What is your name?" Five asked "My name is-" before she could answer a storm front that blew in from the west. Five wouldn't get a chance to know her name for the next few months.

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