Keeping Secrets

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Damn. What time is it?

I opened my eyes to a pitch black room.


I shut my eyes closed as fast as possible.

I hate the dark. I completely hate it!!

I heard my door creak open revealing a small light I could see although my eyes were tightly shut.

"Please don't kill me" I whispered to myself under my breath.

"Hazza no one's gonna kill you."

Hey I know that voice.

I opened my eyes to see my best friend in the whole world....well yeah besides Louis......



She looked completely drained. Her eyes red. Her hair in a messy bun.

I've never seen her like this. Other than when her boyfriend dumped her.

That bum.

Her face lit up as she ran towards me embracing me in a hug and almost lifting me off the hospital bed.

"You're okay! You're really okay!!"

"Yeah Nikki....could you um put me down?"

"Oh sorry!"

She put me down in my original position allowing me to rest from the pain of her hug.

"So how are you? I've been worried sick! Three days Harry! Three days I couldn't handle. Liam made me and the girls go home when you first got here."

"I'm fine and why did he make you go home?"

"I don't know. I guess he didn't want us to stress."

"Okay I guess that's reasonable..."

Deep in our conversation I realized she had on the pyjamas that I had bought her as a random gift 5 years ago.

"You really like the pyjamas I bought you I see."

They were complete with a picture we had took when we were younger but instead of the actual picture I had someone make us into animated characters. In the drawing we had on matching Kit Kat pyjamas and socks. Its so adorable I just cant.

"Yeah. You know I will never forget about these. They're my trusty nightwear."

We filled the room with laughter at her silly comment.

"Hey do you know what time it is?"

"Its around 4:30 in the morning."

"What? Then did you get here?"

"I snuck out."


"What Liam kept saying that he would take us to see you tomorrow and I cant wait that long you know. But since today is yesterdays tomorrow which is when he told us...technically I followed the rules."

"Whatever just know that you're probably in some major trouble if Liam does find out."

"He wont trust me....anyway I came here cause I wanted to talk to you about something about you know....Niall."


"Ok well I know you guys have randomly been talking to each other more often and I just wanted to know if you anything like...."

"If he likes you?"

"Yeah basically."

"Well I do know that when you guys hugged that day you guys came over to talk about our next vacation, he blushed and turned as red as a tomato."

"Are you serious?"

"I saw it with my own two eyes Nikki. I wouldn't be lying."

I sat there laughing as she turned into a fangirl.

"This is a joke like it cant be real. How? It's not possible......Ok I'm done fangirling now."

"Are you sure?"


"Well I have to tell you something."

"About Louis?"



"Well he came in here yesterday and like well.....we kissed. More like made out but still."

"Omigod Harry! You made out with him?!"

"He kissed me first."

"Are you finally gonna cross that off your bucket list then?"


It feels really good to tell someone my feelings you know.

Someone that understands and knows me.

Not that the boys don't know me its just the only one I can talk about Louis with is Niall.

I don't know how the others would react to it.

I mean they all know I'm bi but how would they feel about me liking one of them.

Even though Louis obviously doesn't have a problem with it.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. You got cleared for travelling and they said rehab isn't needed."


"Yeah! So that means....we're going to Paris!"


*high five*

"That also means you and Louis can spend more time together and tell each other how you feel about one another and maybe go further from there."

"I hope so. Did they clear Louis too?"

"For what?"

"He's in the hospital too. Something happened and they have to keep a watch over him."

"Are you serious? Why didn't I know about this?"

"I don't know I thought you saw him."

"No I didn't Liam made us leave early if that's when it happened."

"Yeah it probably happened then."

"Well I hope he gets better."

"Yeah me too."

Honestly I don't know what happened to Louis. I wouldn't know either because I was in a coma for three days.

I hope what ever happened wasn't serious and it wont effect him in the future.

Well soon enough I'll find out but for now....I think I should live life to the fullest with the second chance that I was given.

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