Chapter One

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It was the middle of June and hot as hell outside I thought as I pulled up my thick curly auburn locks into a top knot bun. I was about to go meet my best friend "Glitter" as we call her for a road trip to "Cedar Point". My parents were finally letting me go further than 20 miles away from home and I was about to take full advantage of the situation. "Eva! Grace is here!" My mom yelled from down stairs
I grabbed my phone and keys and headed down the steps.
"Grace you know doing those drugs and hanging out with that Ashton boy is not doing you any good"
"Yes Mrs. Hope I know"
"Mom why are you giving Grace an intervention"
"Eva i was just thinking it was a good idea while we waited for you to come down"
" Ok well come on Glitter" I said as I pulled onto Graces hand " We still have to pick up Danny"


"God damn it Danny if you drive any faster you might kill us!" Glitter yelled.

"Ok listen here babe I'm in control so shut up." Danny said.

"Come on you two can't we just have one peaceful car ride." I stated

"NO!" Glitter yelled " I will not get squashed on the way to Cedar Point we have been planning this trip for months and you Danny are not gonna ruin it. Also by the way no more babe calling I have a boyfriend and I don't think he would like you calling me that."

" Wait Glitter your back with Ash?" I asked.

"Eva he loves me"

"Or her just loves getting in your pants" I say as I roll my eyes.

"Ok fair enough, at least I'm not the one On Tinder all night talking to a random boy."

I didn't say anything as I looked out the window, turned up the music on my phone and blocked out my two best friends bickering.


"Hey babe you better make sure they don't do drug test when the check your purse" Danny whispered to Glitter

"And you better hope they let boys with small penises in or you won't be able to go." Glitter says back as she elbows Danny in the side.

"Oh come on baby we all know you want what I got"

"Ok! You two I really don't want to hear about what everyone looks like down below!" I say sternly.

As we walked up to the checking booth I noticed the 5 coolest boys in my class standing beside me. But the one Brandon Tyler stood out to me the most, I could hear him laugh from the booth next to us but decided it was best not to look up and maybe accidentally make eye contact.

"Eva look I can see Ryan oh, and there's your lover boy too Brandon!" Glitter whispered in my ear.

"Yes Glitter I see them, now stop drawing attention and hand the lady your bag."

"Fine mom what ever you say."

As we walked past the checking booth ironically has the same time the boys do we ended up practically walking in together.
Through all I could hear was repeated "dude" and "bro" mixed with bits of laughter a did hear on whisper to another "Look she's here."
It was like a 6th sense of mine to be able to hear people if I really zoned in on them, and well my 6th sense had to be working for me to hear that.
For maybe 2 seconds I thought it was about me but than realized how many girls were at Cedar Point and dismissed the thought right away.


"Ok so who wants to hold onto the key" Danny asked

I grabbed the key out of his hand and put it in my back pocket
"I will" I said.

"Eva you know my phones in that locker and if you lose that key I will end
You." Danny said nervously

"Danny I won't lose the key and fine if your so worried about it how about you just keep the key yourself." I said
"Ok guys I know there's a 50's themed diner in the park if you want to go eat before hand" I stated.

As Yes's we started to walk in the direction of the Diner. I made sure I walked 2 steps ahead Glitter and Danny, not wanting them to notice my change in mood. Jordan hadn't texted me "Good Morning" like he said he would and it made me disappointed and a bit angry.

"What can I get you 3?"

"Um 3 chocolate milkshakes and a large fry please." Glitter said

"Alright your order will be up soon." The waiter said smiling has she looked over at Danny and winked.

Glitter and I exchanged looks and laughed slightly has we noticed Dan wasn't even paying attention and had no idea what just happened.

"Why do you two always laugh at me?" Danny questioned.

"Because your face is fucked." I said

"Wow ok feeling the lov..... Um Eva look."

Has I looked up from my phone I saw Brandon and all of his friends. Than I felt a vibration in my hand, it was Jordan he finally texted me.

"Ohhhh who's that Tinder boy?" Glitter said jokingly.

"Grace his name is Jordan and yes it's him." I said beaming with happiness.

"Okay here's your 3 milkshakes and fries." The waiter said has she set our food down.

"Okay thank you." Danny said

"Eva!" Glitter shouted

I looked up from my phone startled "Yeah what's up.?"

Glitter pointed at my food and tried to talk with her mouth full.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked

"Quit talking to Tinder boy and eat your food."

Danny leaned over to Glitter and whispered in her ear "It's hot when you take charge babe, you should do it more often."
Glitter shoved Danny off of her and made a look of disgust "Get off of me you creep!" She yelled

You see the thing about Danny and Glitter is every one thinks there dating when if anything they hate etch other. Glitters nick name "Glitter" even came from Danny, I don't know why or how he came up with it but when ever I seem to ask I never really get a response. I think it was from 3rd grade when we were doing Valentines Day cards in class and Danny wrote on his card "Grace be mine" as he leaned in for a kiss. All I can remember after that was Danny with a broken hand while covered in glitter and Grace getting sent home early that day.
But I think the reason we never bring up the story is because now Danny doesn't have felling in one of his fingers and it costed him his dream of being a goalie in soccer.

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